SySy says
7 years ago
Legit sad here. Is that weird over a celebrity? I feel literaly just damn sad
latest #6
7 years ago
I'm very upset. It's not weird. Especially music related because it's such a huge part of our lives
SySy says
7 years ago
... and the IRONY. Omg. "Last Christmas". And then dying on actual Christmas day. Mannnnn :'-(
7 years ago
It's not that weird. I still choke up about Bowie, and it's been nearly a year. I actually cried for days when he died. George Michael dying is just WTF.
7 years ago
no because their music is part of out lives
7 years ago
Prince hit me really, really hard, so I know how you feel
7 years ago
Not weird. Bowie still makes me cry like it was yesterday if I think about it too much. It's been a rough year :-( I loved George Michael as a teen, always appreciated his music. It's sad.
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