生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
法拉吉不是爭議性人物 ── 他根本是劇毒 為何還要給予這個人媒體曝光呢?- 衛報評論
Nigel Farage is not ‘controversial’ – he is toxic. W...媒體還邀請他上節目,無疑就是成為幫助他的極端觀點與偏激言論成為主流想法的推廣幫兇共犯。
#右派膚淺 #反移民排外 #UKIP英國獨立黨 #媒體道德責任義務
latest #19
Nigel Farage denies shorting value of sterling on ni...
When Leave frontman ‘conceded’ defeat on TV, he was privy to data that showed the opposite, paving the way for a collapse in sterling, report says.
生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Nigel Farage under fire over 'antisemitic tropes' o...Exclusive: Brexit party leader referred to ‘new world order’ in interviews with Alex Jones.

How Farage adapted his voice to Infowars' toxic worl...Brexit party leader fails in chats to challenge Alex Jones’s conspiracy theories and airs some of his own.
#反猶太 #毒性資訊戰 #陰謀論 #新世界秩序
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