@ ghoulified
7 years ago
> get a text from sup asking me to go in at 8 in the morning, go to the bathroom before answering
> 10 minutes later gets another text demanding an answer
latest #13
@ ghoulified
7 years ago
have i mentioned... that i hate working here... because i do ...
horny on main.
7 years ago
uh... fuck you, asshat, if you're asking me a favor, you don't get to act like a shitlord
@ ghoulified
7 years ago
its so funny because these people all talk to one another. i try and talk to them and it's like "who's that"
@ ghoulified
7 years ago
and i normally like this girl or try to but like
@ ghoulified
7 years ago
i dunno, i feel less and less towards anyone save a few people here
@ ghoulified
7 years ago
even someone i consider a friend all but told me that she doesn't like me as muh
@ ghoulified
7 years ago
much* whatever
@ ghoulified
7 years ago
i know she's not happy there either but treating us like this isn't cool
that's so shitty
7 years ago
I worked with someone like that.
7 years ago
They were texting me and I got a phone call in the middle of it, and they texted me: "Well, you didn't have to just stop answering me."
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