8 years ago @Edit 8 years ago
[Art] I feel like sharing art. (I've been productive this year)
latest #20
8 years ago
Most of this is marvel stuff I have done for my Big Bang events but eh, its art, nothing really majorly shippy in any of them.
8 years ago
First lot are from the recent BB I did it was a Star Trek au, with BURGANDY jackets era (oh yeah and the random Enterprise era)
8 years ago
This one I was taking the piss out of soft lighting from ye olde orginal series
8 years ago
And I drew and actual ship.... a starship
8 years ago
and I still got the angles wrong
8 years ago
this pic infuriated me
8 years ago
CRYING this took so many hours. I literally pulled it out of my ass in 2 days (technically more a day because of procrastination)
8 years ago
All the characters had stupid insane faces and I had to go and redo all of them about 20 times before they didn't look like they wanted to murder everyone
8 years ago
and also wth did plurk do to that image???^ I swear it doesn't look bad like that elsewear
8 years ago
This is the alternative one I didn't show anyone else. Its slightly blured and colour altered to look like an old photo
8 years ago
and it looks just as crappy, I guess plurk uses too much compression
8 years ago
This was my Tiny Bang art. I whipped this up in like a few hours. It was a spur of the moment join.
8 years ago
Ironically this one tiny handprint that I didn't think anyone would notice ended up being the icon on my little completion badge they gave me >_>
8 years ago
So at the begininning of the year I decided to try and get out of the cesspit that was last year (terrible year) and be creative.
8 years ago
These two things where for my Reverse Bang. The first one I actually started last year but didn't do much, sat on it for like 5 months then picked at it all jan and feb.
8 years ago
The 2nd image I literally drew in 3-5 hours right before the deadline for entry into the thing. I was hum and harring about entering it, until in the morning I decided I was gonna do it.
8 years ago
I have drawn some other things but they aren't completed or my other BB which I have to supmit tommorrow.
8 years ago
So overall i think I have been quite productive. Doing tasks were there is a deadline and judgement def seems to get me to stay on track.
8 years ago
And do work.
8 years ago
Also drew this for a friend. I tried japaneseish style. Its a cat trying to nab a koi
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