7 years ago
company is having a public contest with prize of Google Pixel if anybody is interested
latest #14
7 years ago
Niceee~ thanks for sharing!! and congrats for the app launch XD
7 years ago
it's android, meh, lol
7 years ago
(silently ranting how android get special treatment ...
7 years ago
touchfish: awwww~ maybe it's extra celebratory because developing android is more painful? XD 是說你跟 ray 根本超像XDDDD
7 years ago
congrats on launch~~
7 years ago
android is supposedly less painful than iOS?? XD ((from emulation platform
7 years ago
kwyc you.... are talking about the infamous slowest emulator on earth? XD
7 years ago
Just pure based on android need to deal with at least 10x the device can already call android more painful
7 years ago
had a taste of developing in cordova/phonegap using angular/ionic framework.. man that was painful XD
7 years ago
tring to build/test ios is even worse when going non-native
7 years ago
for me though... developing ios > android >>> non-native XD ios provisioning profile and cert setup and stuff takes more time but the actual development is a lot more straightforward (despite constraints hell)
7 years ago
android just has way too much device/version fragmentation, maintaining backwards compatibility and that it works on all screensizes is excruciating XDD (and I'm so glad I don't have to do it anymore haha)
7 years ago
Constraints is actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it
7 years ago
oh the joyfulness of developing both non-native ios and android
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