7 years ago
I feel like I am getting stellar service from Linden Lab lately and I am not the only one.
latest #8
7 years ago
10 minutes ago we had a problem with our land and I opened the live chat and Vix Linden was on the support line. I told him we might be experiencing a problem with our sim.
7 years ago
Literally within 2 minutes he was in our land looking at the issue. 2 minutes.
7 years ago
Another case:
On a SUNDAY, I requested a change on my land and it was fulfilled within 4 hours.
7 years ago
I am not sure if Linden Lab are putting more resources into their service lately, but I am seeing it and it is making me one very happy customer. Thank you. Never been so happy to be a premium member.
7 years ago
and another one, when we had a problem with our group SophHarlowSL asked on live chat for them to take a look and a linden was in the chat within minutes, taking a look at the problem
7 years ago
that's awesome
Chingona Sophia
7 years ago
BlueberryMishi: yes! super fast service.
Eleana diyor ki
7 years ago
It seems to me that Ebbe has really put the Lab on track!
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