Grumpy Art Guy
7 years ago
[Work] So I found out what my job actually entails.
latest #9
Grumpy Art Guy
7 years ago
From November to January I'll be loading and cataloging stock outside (10 to 5 am) in the freighters. Then they pull me in to help face/zone aisles where they need it.
Grumpy Art Guy
7 years ago
I was up for 24 hours yesterday and was only able to sleep for 3, my back is killing me and my hip is still kinda sore. But I don't work again until tomorrow night.
Grumpy Art Guy
7 years ago
Def. going to take some time for my body to adjust to it all. Lotta lifting and moving boxes, playing RL tetris in the cold and dark. I'll live though~
Grumpy Art Guy
7 years ago
But from Jan onward I should be inside doing what, ya know, I was told this job actually was. Setting up displays and the like.
It'll be worth the hard work!
Once you adjust and push through that you'll get to move onto the other things.
And that will show them that you are reliable and committed.
Grumpy Art Guy
7 years ago
necrofancy: Yeah~ That's the way! I'm just not looking forward to colder weather, but I'll be more prepared from now on.
Grumpy Art Guy
7 years ago
So I was actually inside all night last night working the seasonal/candy/x-mas crap aisle. I was led to believe I'd be outside all the time, but okay! I'm not complaining. My feet are though, oof.
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