Harry Hyx
7 years ago
Uber Release + Biggest ISON sale EVARRRR! https://flic.kr/p/NjKbhq https://flic.kr/p/Px2zWP
latest #9
Harry Hyx
7 years ago
Everything will be 50% off until Nov 29th!
Sara Rowley
7 years ago
7 years ago
Gift cards too? Pretty please??
Harry Hyx
7 years ago
TrixieCliassi: Unfortunately i still dont have gift cards :-(
Harry Hyx
7 years ago
I must be like the last store in SL with no gift cards :-(
7 years ago
oh boo, oh well :-)
7 years ago
so pretty !!! (psst you wrote available at collabor88 on the pic)
Harry Hyx
7 years ago
Maylee_Oh: ty ty! Omg i didn't even notice...wow. I only have one line of text and i couldn't even get that right. Fail :-(
7 years ago
ISON_sl: Haha happens to me quite often as well
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