生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
暴風來襲致洪患重擊南英國 大批抗議聲浪呼喊防洪設施缺乏現金 - 衛報
Outcry over lack of cash for flood defences as storm...老兄歹勢啦,預算都拿去三叉戟核武更新、核電廠擴建,還有皇家豪宅整修了。

Storm Angus brings heavy rain and 80mph gusts to sou...https://imgur.com/XehkWzk.jpg
#淹水 #英國社會民生議題預算 #暴雨洪水 #倫敦 #極端氣象
latest #22
Homes evacuated as Cornwall hit by flash floods

Emergency services tell people to avoid Coverack area and not to drive through flood waters after violent storms on Tuesday afternoon

#撤離 #康瓦爾
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