Lady Sumoku says
7 years ago
Eww, the cobwebs.
latest #9
Stereo Nacht
7 years ago
comes running with dusters and vacuum
Stereo Nacht
7 years ago
cough cough Hello Ms. Sumoku! Welcome back!
Stereo Nacht
7 years ago
Lady Sumoku
7 years ago
They sure know how to pile on the guilt. And the spiders!
Auryn Beorn
7 years ago
Spiders are cute
Lady Sumoku
7 years ago
Not when they're look at you with those sad eyes.
Auryn Beorn
7 years ago
Give them the best corners. Flies will find them.
Lady Sumoku
7 years ago
So many sad eyes.
Auryn Beorn
7 years ago
Well, yes. Those other eyes.
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