Grumpy Art Guy
7 years ago
I want the phrase "Melodramatic Ass" on my tombstone.
latest #6
Grumpy Art Guy
7 years ago
Also debating about going for a short hermit mode because I feel like a social outcast yet again. But that's not going to help anything in any form, it never does. So I don't know what to do with how I feel.
It never helps. :/ Maybe you need to find a new social outlet? Not in place of what you have now, but in addition to?
Like an art forum with other people working on improving themselves or something along those lines. Expand the social circle.
Grumpy Art Guy
7 years ago
necrofancy: Yeah, I need to expand it. I already will with the new job, but I need an art community.
Definitely. A new job is a great way to expand your social circle, but you need to expand it where your passions/interests lie, too.
I wish forums were as popular as they used to be, I miss gaming forums.
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