I need a goddamn person to equivocally voice some shit going on so I can feel like this experience is normal (even though it's not, but normal considering)
Like.. one of my things is an abusive family member, ex, PERSON. And one of the things that embodies that kind of talk/behavior/etc is the president-elect we have
And I can't think of a good reason to be able to ignore it
And IDK what to do other than turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms
because this shit strikes into something deep
[trigger: suicidal ideation] basically
if I had to be faced with this shit I can't ignore the fact that I'm gonna be thinking to do some drastic shit to make it end
I just can't. I'm still barely, at best, over what happened. But now, after all this?
It doesn't help my family isn't supportive by telling me to just "get over it" and "it won't be so bad"
Kinda feel alone here. And left out and ignored and kicked to the curb to die off
I know I'm not in communities like this, but in the areas where it matters in terms of making decisions to pass laws to protect people who have been through situations like this
Which hits me hard like a m.f'er, I can't rise up. I try, but I can't. I'm not strong enough. And I'm really hoping there's some type of resource out there or SOMETHING to make it a little less impacting
Because as of now it's seriously impacting
Like, I've been one of those people contributing to the spike of suicide hotline calls
And though I work in a field which is the catch-net of the result of those people, I can't find faith to keep on trying. The hell
But after seeing hate and anger and abuse won and is the majority, I'm not
I do too actually I can text you
But sort of generally, for me, DBT has been great (although there's one part of one model that I dislike).
And I find it really healing to just know that I'm around other people who know what it feels like to have PTSD.
I've also started using my adblocker extension to hide pictures of the president elect, so I don't see his face, and that really helps.
I'm fucking trying to hard to block it out but that piece of shit cheeto overlord reminds me so much of not just one but several of the people who have made my life a personal hell and put this on me and I just
Like, I'm not strong enough. I don't have the will enough
Or maybe I don't have the support system enough
Probs the real reason but I'm too goddamn tired to fight and try
Another thing is that "normal" is really subjective. However you're reacting is normal for you, because you've had to deal with an extreme situation. Your reaction to weirdness isn't itself weird.
It's easier to curl up and go into a hole in the ground and be forgotten at this point
if it helps you feel less weird, my flashbacks have gone through the roof.

I'm sorry for that because I know how it feels having it myself
Like. I was wondering how and why I was able to get up so goddamn early for work but then I realized
And wow.... counter productive I suppose
Blocking the pictures on facebook is still helpful for me; it might not be for you, but I find controlling my exposure even a little helps me feel empowered
I have access to super high quality therapy and what not but even with that I can't seem to deal with it
I've even done that (blocking pics on FB) but man... I guess working in an environment that deals with the very real effects of what's going on is just. Shit. Troubling
Also recovery is not linear.
Heh lemme check out that video
backsliding does not negate the progress you've made.
Sigh, you know I thought that was the case but after having so many traumatic experiences realized and dealt with and supposedly grounded then being brought back.... damn
That progress is half then given how easy it is to go back on it
(also I kind of like this metaphor: we just lost a big boss battle. It hurts. We got some healing to do. And then we start level-grinding.)
And we go up against the boss again and maybe we lose again but we aren't where we were the first time. We pick ourselves up and have a potion and start level-grinding again.
...you know, I'm gonna try really hard to freaking pick that up
because honestly I'm losing hope here
I don't have a lot of people to talk to and confide in or a general support system
and in moments like these, I don't even know
I weep for freaking people I will probably never meet
Oh if you have a therapist you trust ask about EMDR!
All I've done is build a safe space but even that is really therapeutic

yanno I tried that but it doesn't even seem to work. IDK WTF is wrong but it seems like it takes too goddamn much to be worth fixing
This may not even be what the problem is but if it helps. Mine has no doors.
I mean my issue is that I am mistrustful of the entire universe (ya think >>; ) but like. Little silly details.
help me set the mood in coming up with a mental safe space.
Sorry that may have been unclear
Also helpful, heavy blankets. Seriously. It's the same principle behind deep pressure therapy.
I did not come out of my blanket fort for three days after the election.
(I'm throwing my coping mechanisms at the wall to see what sticks)
can you tell I've been hyper vigilant for two months straight 8D;;
THE MAIN POINT IS bossfight. Maybe restructure your party, level up with smaller fights. Try again. Rest at the inn if you have to.
Is how I'm thinking about it.
Heh, yeah... maybe that or get a really, really REALLY good therapist
not a lot of people can understand or appreciate what freaking PTSD means
oh same rules apply as with actual video games too: when you're frustrated with it, take a break and do something completely unrelated.
I have an amazing therapist but I did go through some real duds before I found her.
Sigh the most amazing therapist I had was just too damn expensive
I couldn't afford her and to live at the same time
so that's not terribly unusual. Frustrating, but the good news is I went through five people and more consultations than I care to count before I found mine.
You could ask her for references.
She might be able to recommend someone she trusts who you can afford.
That would be pretty sweet, actually
try giving that a shot! That's something concrete you can do.
I kind of should want to be around for whatever comes around
At this point I'm so below that it's pretty depressing ._.
i got overwhelmed andI checked for my state legislators and followed all of them on facebook. Granted mine are literally all democrats because massachusetts
I'm IL which voted blue recently but still, holy shit. Doesn't have any impact on the goddamn baloney trauma and stress and long lasting effects of what has happened to you means
Although if you want to keep up on senators from another state, obviousky Elizabeth Warren has risen ti prominence but our other senator Edward Markey is great too.
That's completely understandable and I've been reading about therapists noting an uptick in symptoms from survivors of violence as far back as like, April.
Dude my shit is chronic like no belief, like, students in the psych field have asked to do studies on me and I'm like NO. BUT! Still.
this is an abnormal situation. No reaction you can have would possibly be normal, therefore basically anything is. try not to blame yourself for reacting to an abnormal situation.
which is easier said than done
Thank God I'm beyond blaming myself int his, but knowing that more than half of the country I live in is okay with it to some degree?
UGH. Yeah this is some shit I need to take to a professional
Getting paid to listen to it
Just over half the voters chose Hillary. She won the popular vote. she won millennials by a landslide.
Millennials are the ones who will eventually inherit this.
Yeah ._, it's honestly a perfect irony.
Isn't there a greek term for that?
and we're one of the most diverse generations ever.
We will do better. The reign of old angry white guys is coming to an end. They can see it and they're not happy. It sucks, and I don't want to undermine that, but I really think it's a death rattle
Goddamnit I really really REALLY hope that's true
I usually don't pray or anything but if any other time were to call for this, I am definitely praying that we will do better
my mother said to me and I think it's true
"We have to be better than we ever have."
It takes a strong person to be able to do that, and I hope we have a lot of those amongst our roster
I know I'm being insufferable here but ugh. GOD
sorry I probably shouldn't have responded when I was out and about and then not come back but
I think getting a therapist can really help but you need to remember that
not everyone clicks with the first person they try so if therapy isn't working for you
that might be the issue and not just that you can't do therapy or that it's not ever going to help
I think creating a support system can be really hard but it does help to have other people to talk to who have the same issue
and it might be really good to make an informal group for yourself or something
and please remember that losing progress or moving backwards because a new upset happens like this election
is not your fault and does not make you a weak person
that's... some pretty damn solid advice there. wow. it's difficult to get on board with that but man I gotta try starting with that
haha I wish I could offer more but really with this kind of stuff different things work for different people so
sometimes it can be hard to give specifics from a distance like that
but with your question about whether it's normal or not, I feel like in a way you kind of answered it yourself
because you talked about being one of the people contributing to the spike of hotline calls
there's a spike of hotline calls because it's absolutely normal to be triggered by the kind of bullshit happening right now
as someone who plays mentor to a lot of people, I've been absolutely swamped with other people's freak outs
this is a real issue. these are real problems. You are not alone and you are not broken.

it's almost funny how I try to tell that to other people when really I need to take that same advice
damn. thank you for reiterating it for me
in terms of specifically the suicide thing I can tell you what I do everyday
as soon as I get up in the morning I write a list of things I'm looking forward to that day
even little stupid stuff like something I'm going to eat or that I'm going to get to see a specific person
and if I don't have anything I immediately contact a friend and ask what they're looking forward to
and see if there's anything that I could steal or borrow LOL
I also try to stay involved in stuff that makes me feel like I'm necessary in the world to someone
Lol my friends are gonna be shellshocked at my "haaaay whatchu doin todaaaaaay?" messages but damnit
That's a damn good idea/way to go about it especially with the uh hopeless feeling, helps push that back
like in my case I feel there are two different kinds of responses I get
if a friend is struggling, then I know that being part of their support system was a valuable part of my day
and if your friend is doing cool things and things are excited about and things that have positive influence in the world
then it reminds me that stuff is still out there
that people are still living life despite the shitty situation we're in and trying to move forward and that's valuable
and sometimes I hear about something that person is planning on watching or going to that day that I might want to do too
Well thank God I don't have that friend that had planned stapling themself later on in the day anymore....
well yeah I mean you gotta know which people to ask
if you think it would help you, you could even try starting a plurk clique
where you just put the question out there and people tell you what they're excited about that day
I don't know I have kind of a list of people from school that I email, but since they do also count me as part of their support system a kind of serves a dual purpose
of checking on them while giving myself ideas on how to keep going
but then I'm also easily excited, so this really works for me because I can make it through a day on something as simple as
hey I'm going to go to this class I really enjoy or get to see a certain friend or have a nice meal
I'm kind of simple that way
Imma do this sort of thing. It's probably going to help that the new Pokémon comes out today....
boom.. but thank you tho. really
no. thank you
<3 Leca said it better than I could so I'll just say I agree on all points
but something else I just thought of, this may help you or it may not, it's been helpful for me--my specific diagnosis is complex PTSD, or C-PTSD.
the short version is repeated or continuous trauma.
It can have unique symptoms in addition to classic PTSD
like it's not recognized as an official diagnosis according to the DSM but my therapist uses it.
and I was like "well that explains some things"
I mean I read about everything, that's kind of my coping mechanism, and as Leca said different things work for different people.
This is true. I'll have to look into that. Man tbh I wonder if the med marijuana would make any difference or not versus pills which are so x_x to take
I've been on it for a year and can speak with experience