生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
「沒希望」德國官員:川普領軍下的TTIP跨大西洋貿易協定"不實際" - 衛報
Transatlantic trade deal 'not realistic' under Trump...若要維持美德關係,應該要有務實的計畫,同時德國也以務實的方式來應對兩國關係。
TTIP was defeated by activists – Trump just exploite...#美國總統大選2016 #打臉
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#全球化 #地緣政治 #區域平衡
Trump is wrong to criticise Germany over trade – he should look c...
The president thinks Germany’s trade surplus is the result of manipulating the euro, but Wall Street fuelled the problem
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