7 years ago
There was something about bathtime that Gregory didn't hate. Despite the fact that they were both were naked he couldn't help but look forward to it.
latest #347
7 years ago
Even if it meant rubbing Francis over with odd smelling oils and soaps, that meant that Gregory also had access to them.
7 years ago
At first the hot water had perturbed him... he was worried about getting scalded, as he often had as child running around his Mother's feet in the kitchen. Somehow the bath temperature was just right however,
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seeping the aches of the day away.
7 years ago
It's thus, with a rather neutral face, that Gregory stands by the door of the bathroom, waiting for Francis to return.
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||Bathtime was always something enjoyable to Francis. The habit was still mostly unknown to the commoners in the kingdom, but ever since his Maman had created ties with kingdoms to the east that had taught them
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about the oils and soaps they could use, the art of bathing in the Bonnefoy castle had only become more and more loved. Especially now that Francis had made his cute new pet his chosen companion for
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bathing. He smiles as he walks up to the door where Gregory stands in wait, leaning in to kiss the boy's cheek in greeting with a grin. "Bonjour my pet, I trust you have had a good day?" asks, waiting for
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Gregory to lead them into the wash room.
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Gregory has learned flinch when Francis is affectionate, simply frowning at the other as he pulls back. "I'm not your pet," he grumbles, opening the door to the room. The bath has already_
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been prepared, steam rising from the bath. Gregory had left an assortment of oils and soaps by the bath, knowing that Francis could be fickle and change his mind half way through.
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"It was good..." he starts, struggling to conjugate the next phrase. he had been taught to use polite pronouns with the Prince and he still struggled. "How about you?" He had also learned that to ask the Prince
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questions gave him control of the conversation.
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*has learned not to flinch
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smiles as he follows Gregory in,listening to the progress in the way that the boy spoke to him. He was pleased that the other had been seeming to pick up the language quicker than he thought, though he supposed
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being tossed into it with no choice probably helped that. "My day was fine," he sighs dramatically, starting to undress and handing off his clothes to the red head. "Everyone just seems so noisy with
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complaints lately," he hums, continuing to chat about his day as he undresses, expecting that Gregory wouldn't actually pick up on most of the insults he flung at members of his court anyways.
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He takes the clothes, hanging them up carefully as he goes. He had learned the hard way what he was meant to do with Francis' clothes and didnt want to relive a lecture from the head of housekeeping again.
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He makes soft sounds of acknowledgement and agreement, only catching about half of what he was saying. He could tell from the tone however that Francis didn't hold the men he was talking abput in high esteem.
7 years ago
7 years ago
He edges Francis towards the bath, eager to get started on scrubbing him down.
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hums happily as he makes his way over to the bath and steps in, taking a seat before he surveys the selection of fragrances Gregory had laid out today. He does give pause though when Gregory makes his way over
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as well, chuckling softly at how eager he seemed to be to start. "Can't wait to touch me again, mister Gregory~" he teases with a grin. "Perhaps this time, you'd rather join me in the bath instead~" he adds
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with a wink.
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Gregory flushes with the tease, shaking his head. It wasn't that... it was more the desire to soak his hands in the hot water that spurred him on.
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He seems to seriously consider the question before nodding. "Yes." There is a challenging glint in his eye as he meets Francis' gaze, as though expecting him to take the offer back.
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leans against the side of the tub as he admires Gregory's blush, laughing a bit at the denial. When the other seems to actually consider the offer, and then confidently agree, Francis can't help but pause in
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surprise before returning to teasing. "Oho, the shy one has decided to get a little more intimate at last?" he grins. "Well then, let me see your beautiful body and come join me~" he hums, shifting to the side
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to allow a spot for Gregory to sit in the tub.
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Gregory eyebrow twitches with the teasing tone, a shiver running up his back. He feels as though he's agreed to something he really shouldn't have. He contemplates the other before turning to undress,
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carelessly kicking his own clothes to the side.His freckles just don't stop at his cheeks, spreading across his collar bone and shoulders as well. He steps towards the tub, hesitating at the last moment.
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"Is it okay?" He checks, well prepared for Francis changing his mind.
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has challenge in his eyes when Gregory seems to hesitate at first, and he's both amused and disappointed in how little finesse there is to the way he undresses. Perhaps he would have to teach him how
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to be seductive too. Francis does take the chance to rake his eyes across the man's body, taking in the continuation of freckles over the farm boy muscles, eyes sweeping lower and... oh my. Francis grins in
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amusement as Gregory approaches and hesitates, deciding not to answer solidly and see what he decided. "You're getting brave now~" he teases, eyes glimmering a little in mischief.
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Gregory doesn't back from challenges, the look in Francis' eye kicking him into action. He climbs into the bath, letting out a long sigh as he sinks into the welcoming warmth.
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"My mother says Brave is a nice word for stupid." He shifts away from the other, taking advantage of the huge bath to create some space.
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can't help but laugh at that. "You mother sounds like a smart woman," he hums, relaxing down in the water as he watches Gregory. He found himself growing fonder of him, even though he could be a bit of a brat
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sometimes. Francis hums, stretching his legs out in the water to see if he could run his foot up Gregory's leg from here. "However, even though it is very relaxing in here, I still want to feel your hands all
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over me~" he grins.
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Gregory feels a light flush spread over his cheeks as Francis laughs, for once seeming genuine. It's short lived however, the man living up to his expectations as he feels toes graze his calf.
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He shifts further out of his touch with a small tut, frowning at Francis. "What oil do you want?"
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's smile only grows at the way Gregory pulls away and frowns at him. "Rose oil, please~" he answers, sitting up in the water so Gregory can wash him.
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Gregory reaches for said oil, making his way over. He decides to start with Francis' hands today, taking one in his. His thumbs work into the palm of Francis' hand,
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working out any knots Francis' has before making his way up. When he finishes he moves to the next. It's different to when he first started, having evolved from a cursory wipe over to something
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slightly more thoughtful. It wasn't lost on Gregory that as long as Francis favoured him, he had an easier life in the castle.
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.gives over his hands easily, calmly watching the way Gregory's fingers work across his own. He had certainly noticed how well Gregory appeared to be taking to his new role and life in the castle, and while it
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did mean a nicer life for Gregory it also meant more and more that Francis was calling for his attention, so less rest for him. And it also meant that more and more Francis wanted to touch and tease him. "Your
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hands always feel so nice~" he hums.
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Gregory looks up, taking a moment to run the sentence over in his mind again before scowling. His face heats up as he guides Francis to turn around, planning to work on his back next.
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"You should be doing this yourself," he grumbles, before adding a couple of choice words in Scots. He adds more oil to his hands, starting on the older man's shoulders.
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He hadn't noticed just yet how much longer his days were getting, but he was sure to pick up on it eventually. For now he was still finding his feet.
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's smile grows as he watches the meaning of his words dawn on Gregory, laughing a bit as he turns around and pulls his hair forward. "Why do it myself when I have someone so handsome to do it for me
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instead~?" he grins, reaching back to slide a hand up Gregory's leg, ignoring the Scots. He still had no idea what any of the words Gregory liked to mutter meant, though he wasn't so clueless as to not realise
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they were insults. Luckily, coming from the redhead he seemed to find it endearing.
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Gregory rolls his eyes at the response, continuing to rub the oil into Francis' back. His hands squeeze a little too tight as he feels Francis' hand on his leg.
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"You're gonna clean me?" he asks, giving the Prince Regent the benefit of the doubt for now.
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turns his face back around so Gregory can't see the mischievous smirk on his face as he answers. "Do you want me to clean you~?" he hums, fingers sliding down his leg in quiet exploration.
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Gregory hums, hands now running down Francis' back. They run short of touching his anywhere, as always. "Maybe..."
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He reaches down to move Francis' hand. "But I can clean my legs myself."
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chuckles to himself as his hand is removed, returning to behaving for a moment. "aww, shut down by a pet, how disappointing," he smiles. Francis starts to relax with the hands on his back though, because even
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though Gregory avoided anything more intimate and wasn't actually that great at massaging, there was something very calming about it anyways.
7 years ago
Gregory reaches for the soap of the same scent, washing the oil off of his backs and then his arms. "What does "Shut down" mean?" He ignores the pet for now, knowing he would have many chances to let Francis_
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know just how much he disliked that nickname. He hesitates before pulling back, waiting for Francis to turn around. He disliked washing Francis' chest the most, as it brought them face to face and he always_
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managed to turn red faced over it.
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hums happily as he enjoys the process, waiting until he knows he's done to turn around again to face the boy. "Rejected," he answers, smiling at him. "You don't desire my affections, and I am sad about
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it~" Francis still smiles despite saying it's sad, obviously mostly teasing. He sits back a little though, knowing it would mean Gregory would have to get closer to wash his chest. He could definitely wash
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his front himself... but this got him a much better show!
7 years ago
Gregory understands the gist of what Francis is saying, sighing loudly. He gives the man a suffering look, reaching for the oil again to start on Francis chest. He does take a step closer, eyes dropping_
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as he concentrates on the task at hand. It's much brisker than before, hands never lingering for long. It seems to go on forever however, Gregory feeling his cheeks and ears heat up. "You don't sound sad."
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enjoys that suffering expression, wanting to tease it out of him more often. He laughs as he's called out though, arching his chest slightly into the touch instead. "Well, I can't be too sad when you're still
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touching me~" he grins, happy just to watch Gregory's face while he did this.
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Gregory looks up for a moment, a small mischievous smile of his own tugging at his lips. "Maybe I should stop then." He reaches for the soup, holding it out for Francis.
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He allows one hand to linger on the older man's shoulder for balance.
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arches a brow at the smirk on the other's face, watching him in amusement. "Hmm, you want to slack on your job you mean?" he hums, not reaching for the soap at first. A grin overtakes his expression
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though. "Or perhaps, you simply want your turn~?" he answers, not really a question. He takes the soap, but instead of leaning towards Gregory, he uses the man's off balance position to pull him down to sit
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on his lap instead, to run the soap up the redheads chest instead.
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Gregory yelps rather ungracefully as he's pulled into Francis' lap, eyes widening. He tightens his hold on Francis's shoulder, wondering for a moment if he had tripped. "My turn?" he asks,
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arching away from the soap on his chest. There is a flustered look on his face as he shifts in Francis' lap, contemplating escape.
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laughs at how startled Gregory is, hand holding firm at his waist as the other slides the soap over his toned chest. "Mhm, you wanted me to wash you, right~? Or perhaps you want me to use the oils first," he
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hums, trailing his fingers down the centre of Gregory's chest playfully, looking down to admire the man in his lap while he has the chance.
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Francis' fingers leave a trail of heat behind as they slide down his chest, illiciting a small shudder from Gregory. "You weren't joking?" he asks, surprise slipping into his tone. The hand on his waist keeps_
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him at bay for now.
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can't help but smirk as the boy shivers beneath his touch, pulling his hands away only to swap out the soap for a handful of oil before returning to sliding his hands down Gregory's chest. "You were~?" he asks
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in mimic, pretending to be surprised. He massages Gregory's chest with gentle hands, something more intimate about the way he rubbed in the oil than Gregory's usual job of it was.
7 years ago
Gregory purses his lips as he hears the mocking tonw, frowning at the other. "You're always joking," he retorts, about to get up off of Francis' lap. However the soothing touch stills him for a moment,_
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his shoulders soon dropping as he relaxes into the sensation. It wouldn't hurt to let Francis wash him a little... right?
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chuckles softly, his shoulder shrugging a little at the reply. "You only think I am," he hums, smile widening a little as Gregory seems to calm down beneath his hands. He runs his thumbs rather
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purposefully and teasingly over the boy's nipples, before acting as if he hadn't and moving up to massage his shoulder and neck area. "You're enjoying this, oui?" he asks, voice a little softer as he's trying
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to keep Gregory calm so he won't run away.
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Gregory sucks in a breath as Francis brushes his nipples, a frown fluttering over his eyebrows. The man moves onto his neck and shoulders so quickly however that it's hard to tell if it was on purpose or not.
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The hands on him seem to know exactly where to press, Gregory soon melting under the touch. He nods, making a small sound of confirmation. "Feels good," he mumbles, a soft sigh following after.
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He had a lot of built up tension... probably from being around Francis all the time.
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revels in that small breath at his teasing, working his hands down Gregory's arms and back up, loving the way he melted under his touch. He soon reaches for the soap, lathering him up with the same
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sweet and teasing touches as he washes off the oil, soon having him clean. "Turn around, I'll get your back too" he hums happily.
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Gregory has to hold back a few groans, cheeks flushing as he realises just how much he is enjoying the gentle touches. He seems almost dissapointed until Francis mentions his back. He stands up, turning.
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He doesn't move to sit in Francis' lap however, glancing over his shoulder as he sits down net to him. "Is this okay?"
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.is really enjoying the way Gregory reacts to him, a slight flush to his own cheeks as he admires him with his hands. He hums in disappointment as the boy sits to the side instead, but... he can work with this
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still, he supposed. "Mm, I suppose that's alright," he answers, taking a handful of oil again before shifting to sit better and give his back the same sort of attention. It was nice that Gregory seemed to
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be opening up a little more around him, and it was really nice to be able to touch him... but he wanted more still.
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Gregory lets himself lean forward a little, eyes shutting as he relishes in the attention. It's just as he's forgetting where he is that he lets out a soft groan, tensing up immediately afterwards.
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He looks over his shoulders, cheeks a flaming red as he clears his throat. "...sorry," he mutters, voice a little gruff.
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's brows arch up when that groan slips out, feeling it travel straight... downward. "No need to apologize, mon chou..." he murmurs, sliding his hands over Gregory's shoulders again to make him let them down. He
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takes the opportunity to shift a little closer, thumbs working at relaxing his shoulder blades while he leans in to murmur in the boy's ear. "I would quite like to hear more, actually~" he practically purrs,
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pressing a gentle kiss to the side of his neck.
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He furrows his brow, unsure. It's just as he's starting to relax that Francis presses the kiss to his neck, making him tense all over again. He shuts his eyes, letting out a strained sigh.
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"Francis..." There is a warning tone to his voice as he brings a hand up to cover the fact that his face has gotten even redder still.
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|| "Gregory~" he murmurs in return, ignoring the warning in the voice and kissing him again. Francis shifts to press himself against Gregory's back now, sliding his hands back around to his front
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to tease his chest. "You obviously like my hands on you~ Why not just give in~~" he murmurs softly. "At least, perhaps just a kiss~?"
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He should have escaped while he still could have... or better yet not entered the bath at all. He reaches for the hands on his chest, stopping them from exploring more. "It wouldn't stop at a kiss."
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He shifts, trying to move away from Francis mouth, the feeling of hot breath on his damp skin was driving him up the wall.
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doesn't yet let Gregory pull away, holding firm as he presses against him a little more insistently, trying to slide his hands down the boy's belly to his thighs instead. "You wound me with your mistrust," he
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pouts, trying to move with the squirmy child so he can't escape yet. "Just one little kiss can't hurt, oui? Then I promise to let you go~"
7 years ago
((I can't open the other plurk but can we call it a night here? My phone is playing up. ;;-))
7 years ago
((awww i was gonna say one more before i passed out ;v; okay then, have a good rest of your day!!))
7 years ago
((i hope your phone starts behaving soon))
7 years ago
Gregory makes a frustrated noise in the back of his throat. Francis wasn't giving him any room to escape, the man's broader shoulders and strength holding him in place.
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He attempts to stop the descent of Francis' hands, his grip on them turning bruising. "... one kiss."
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gasps at the grip, not having expected him to be that rough against him. "One kiss," he grins, pulling back in favour of floating around to in front of Gregory. He slides a hand up to cup the boy's
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jaw, the other coming up to trap him in against the edge of the bath. "Unless you beg for more~" he murmurs with a grin, voice low and seductive. He runs his thumb along Gregory's cheek, taking in
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the sight of him before pressing in closer, and claiming his lips gently.
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Gregory feels that grasp right against his ear, eyes shutting as he tries to ignore the twitch of interest down below. Why was he stuck with such a pervert?
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He presses his back against the wall of the bath, a mixed expression as he looks at Francis. Any retort is cut short by Francis' kiss.
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He's surprised at how soft the man's lips are, curiousity getting the better of him as his tongue darts out for a taste.
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does his best not to smirk as Gregory's tongue presses against his lips, and instead he takes the invite to deepen the kiss eagerly. He makes a soft sound of pleasure as he does so, instinctively following
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when Gregory tries to back up, to be closer to him.
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When Francis deepens the kiss, Gregory breaks it off in a panic. Cheeks flushes, he catches his breath and leans back away from the other. "One kiss."
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He presses one hand to Francis' chest, lightly pushing as a hint to get off of him. He shifts his hips to hide his growing problem, "I should get your towel."
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gasps in surprise as suddenly he's not kissing anymore, blinking as Gregory pushes at him. "It was..." he protests with a pout, reluctantly pulling back from the boy. It's as they both shift at the same time
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though, that their bodies line up just so to let Francis feel exactly why Gregory was getting so flustered. His pout quickly dissolves first into a little bit of surprise, and then a grin is taking over once
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more. "Mmm... I don't need to get out just yet," he hums, pressing forward to pin Gregory more insistently against the wall, hand sliding up his chest. "I don't think you really want to, either," he
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practically purrs, leaning in to kiss at his jaw teasingly.
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Gregory jolts as he feels himself brush up against Francis. He looks horrified as the other closes in, squirming to try and get away.
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He arches against the hands on his chest, his problem pressing up against Francis again to his horror. A groan slips from his lips as he gives Francis a firmer push, eyes shutting. "I should get out."
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Francis' lips on his jaw are distracting and more than a little confusing to Gregory, because while he is reacting his mind is telling him he shouldn't.
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tuts at Gregory when he pushes at him again, not letting himself be pushed back this time. "Wouldn't you rather have some...help...?" he murmurs against his skin, pressing open mouth kisses along his neck
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and sliding his hand down to grasp Gregory's length to illustrate his point. "Your body seems to be practically begging for it~" Francis was admittedly frustrated by how much Gregory was trying to resist
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him. It had been weeks since the boy had been given to him, and while Francis avoided forcing anyone sexually, he found himself almost desperately craving this one. And yet Gregory had turned him down at
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every turn... and it just made Francis want him more. He strokes Gregory's length skillfully, trying to get the boy to finally give in to him.
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Gregory's mind is made up the moment he feels Francis' smooth, experienced touch on his length. His heart clenches in his chest, panic rising as he shakes his head. "No." He states, voice cracking.
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He knows better than to hurt Francis so he moves to stand up instead, legs barely cooperating with him as he turns away from the man to climb out of the bath.
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He's gone soft despite the talent of Francis' hand, fear stripping him of any desire. "Let go."
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.was so convinced in his head that the boy was finally falling for him and opening up to him, that it takes a half second for the single word answer to reach him. He frowns at first, but feeling Gregory soften
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in his hands worsens the blow, and he lets go and sit back enough to let the other leave, a frustrated flush rising to his cheeks. "...fine. Leave me," he answers at last, turning his back to Gregory as
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well and leaning back against the edge of the bath. He wasn't going to let the other see him pout. "Find Marianne and tell her to come see me instead," he adds, no intent on getting out of the bath. Marianne
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at least would indulge him... and she had also been at the castle long enough to know how to soothe his hurt ego.
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The way Francis turns away from him, a frustrated sigh slipping from his lips causes Gregory to frown. He ignores the light discomfort settling in the pit of his stomach, nodding at the instructions.
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"Yes, your highness." He swallows around the lump in his throat, rushing to leave the room and escape the heavy atmosphere.
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He looks back at the man in the bath, wondering if he should apologise. The words feel heavy on his tongue however and he leaves the room.
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He never finds the relief he had expected as he walks down the hall. He fetches Marianne for the Prince before going to his own quarters and flopping down onto the bed.
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|| For the next several days, Gregory finds himself not being called to Francis's side so often, as the Prince wallows in hurt ego and petulance. He does recover though, slowly calling for the redhead more
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again, and this time calling him up in an insistence to have him help him dress for a fancy costume ball that was being held tonight. Francis's costume was actually that of a ladies outfit, complete with
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all the fancy undergarments and such that required multiple hands to get into... of course. Really he should have called on one of his female pets, but he was still enamoured with Gregory.
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Gregory finds himself in a slight mood for the first day before realising how much more free time he had now that Francis wasn't calling on him all the time. He seems to have been spending time outside,
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Returning to Francis with a new assortment of freckles and sun kissed skin.
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It worries him to see that Francis' eccentric nature hasn't changed and he eyes the garments somewhat dubiously. "Shouldn't Marianne help?" He asks, gingerly picking up a stocking.
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He blushes when he realises what it is, gently placing it back down. His mother had told him to never trust a girl who wore stockings...
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|| When Francis first catches sight of new and more freckly Gregory, he can feel his heart skip a little beat. But he ignores that because he refuses to let himself acknowledge that this teenager had any
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power over him. "Marianne's busy arranging the rest of what i need tonight," he answers simply, busy french braiding his hair back so it's out of the way when he has to don a wig. He'd assure Gregory that
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he's still trustworthy.. seeing as he is not actually a girl. "Besides, you seem much stronger, to lace me into that corset," he hums, standing at last. Currently he only wore the very bottom layer of
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underwear for his outfit.
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His gaze shifts to the corset as Francis points it out, face palling. "You... want to wear that?" There is a weird expression on his face, something between amusement and worry.
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glances over to him, arching a brow at the expression. "Of course. I can't look the part without the proper undergarments," he answers, as if it were obvious. "Now bring it over here, it's the next thing on.
7 years ago
7 years ago
Gregory picks it up, looking at the contraption with feint curiosity as he makes his way over. "Why are you dressing as a girl?" He asks, holding it out for the man. He personally had no idea where to start...
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He only really had experience with undoing them enough for... well, a cheeky grope.
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hums in thought to the question, before giving a shrug for the answer. "Because it's a masquerade costume ball, and this would certainly hide who I am better than a silly mask," he winks. He also. Maybe
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liked women's clothes more than was publicly allowed. But that was a secret. He laughs though at the curious expression Gregory has, taking the corset from him. "Here, you lace like a bot, from bottom to
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top... and then you're going to hide the strings along it like this, alright?" he asks, moving the strings to show.
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Gregory is lost at the word masquerade, slowly nodding. Perhaps Francis was talking about the big party tonight? He had understood that masks were involved...
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Gregory was to be a part of the serving staff and had been giving a mask, although with his hair he wasn't really sure he could hide.
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He looks on as Francis instructs him, expression rather serious. He nods, taking it back. "I think I can do that." It seemed like an awful lot of trouble though....
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smiles at the nod, handing the corset back to him. "Good to hear," he hums, holding his arms out so Gregory could dress him. He had definitely chose his help for the sole reason of having the man's hands
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on him again... but he was also going to try and behave. Maybe.
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Gregory looks at Francis, as though trying to find something suspicious in his demeanour before stepping forward to get the corset on Francis.
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His hands hold it in place as he says, "You're gonna need to turn around." He shifts as he realises just how close they are, lips thinning.
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hums softly at the request. "Alas, I do like watching you," he smiles, though turning around dutifully and holding onto the corset once Gregory slips it on him, to keep it up while he laces.
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Gregory rolls his eyes. He adjusts the corset once the older man has turned, before beginning to lace it. "This...." He sighs loudly, loosely tightening the first row.
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smiles to himself as Gregory starts lacing him in anyways. "This...?" he prods curiously, wondering what the boy had to say. Perhaps this was a bit much on the redhead, seeing as he probably had
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never met anyone like Francis before, royal or not. But... he was fun to tease. "Have I left you speechless already~?"
7 years ago
Gregory feels himself turn red, shaking his head. "No... Just..." he pauses, trying to find the right words. "It's a waste of time?" He yanks on the ribbons of the corset before moving to tie the next row.
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"You'd look fine without it," he grumbles, mainly to himself before adding a little something in Scots.
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blinks at the answer, and can't help but laugh a little at the embarrassed grumbling. "Oho, well you could always help me take it off later too~" he replies, turning just enough to wink at Gregory before
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straightening his back again. He gasps softly as Gregory yanks the ribbons a little tighter, feeling the way the garment restricted him.
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Gregory glances away when Francis turns his way, "Only if you need help." He clenches his jaw as Francis' gasps, making note to_
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Avoid eliciting the same sound.
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He presses a hand between Francis' shoulder blades to keep him in place as he slowly does the corset up, tightening it more carefully now.
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|| "Mm, I'm sure I would certainly like the help," he grins. The hand on his back makes him lean forward to brace himself against the edge of the dresser as Gregory tightens him in. "I'm not going to
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break, you know," he comments, assuming that's why Gregory wasn't yanking on it to tighten it.
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Gregory furrows his brow, "I know...." He gives the corset a firmer tug. "How's that?" He was starting to wonder why girls went through this everyday....
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laughs at the petulant reply, breath catching when he does yank. "Ah, that feels about right?" he answers, running a hand down the front of the stays. "I doubt going tighter would let me breathe," he hums.
7 years ago
Gregory bites his tongue, a hand coming down to settle on the small of Francis' back, where he's already tied it up. "Alright." He continues on, trying to ignore the small gasps and catches of breath.
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"You're gonna damage your..." he struggles to find the word, bridging his hand up to press against Francis' ribs, pressing up against his back slightly. "Here."
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.is about to straighten up as he figures Gregory has tied it p, when the other presses against him instead. He can feel the slight rush of pink to his cheeks as Gregory's hands slide around to his front,
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hesitating somewhat in his answer. "My ribs...? I'm sure it'll be fine..." he hums, subconsciously pressing back against Gregory a little.
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Gregory repeats the word, although he's fairly certain he'll forget it again. He furrows his brow before straightening up. "Okay... but not any tighter."
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He stands back, still frowning at Francis' figure. It's almost like he's worried.
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.is a little disappointed as Gregory turns away, but he quickly hides that with a smirk as he realises something. "Are you concerned about me~?" he teases lowly, turning to face Gregory again and stepping
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closer to the retreating man. "Will you catch me if I faint~?"
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Gregory looks as if he's been caught with his hand in the cookie drawer. There is a pause, "Maybe. If I was close by."
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chuckles softly, trailing a hand up Gregory's chest. "Oh, how romantic~" he teases, about to lean in... before remembering he was trying to behave. He didn't need a rejection before a big party. "Ready to
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help me with the next part~?"
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Gregory leans back, bracing himself for the kiss... only to be left hanging. He blinks, giving Francis an odd look. Perhaps he had caused more damage than he had initially thought...
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He nods, pushing the thought aside for now. "Yes. What's next?"
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catches that odd look but... nope. Gregory was still leaning away from him anyways. Not that he was going to stop teasing him though. He steps over gracefully to the bed, taking a seat and reaching over to
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lift up the next article of clothing... his stockings. "These, please~" he hums. Sure he should have put them on before the corset... but he wanted Gregory to do it.
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Francis moves with such grace that it occurs to Gregory that this probably isn't the first time he's worn a corset. The stockings take him by surprise,
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cheeks quickly heating up as he looks between them and Francis. "... okay." He makes his way over, falling to one knee in front of Francis.
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A hand is held out for the stockings as Gregory looks at anything but Francis' face.
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can't help but smirk at the flush on Gregory's cheeks, pleased when the other comes over to drop in front of him. He passes the stockings to him before leaning back on his hands to watch the show. It occurs to
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him that while he's avoiding kissing Gregory... maybe he can goad the other into moving first. He lifts his leg, teasingly trailing his foot up Gregory's leg on the way.
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Gregory knows that was on purpose, throwing Francis an annoyed look as he takes his foot in hand. It's the first time he's touched Francis down here, despite how many times he's washed him.
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He looks at the stocking and the leg for a moment before carefully compressing the stocking. He was afraid of ripping the delicate material, carefully slipping Francis'
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Foot in before trailing it up his leg. His hands linger on Francis' thighs, surprised at the strength he finds there.
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laughs at the annoyed look, quite enjoying the view of Gregory from this angle. He's impressed that the boy knows to roll the stocking without being told though, humming softly. Have
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*"Have you ever had a girlfriend before, mon chou~?" he asks curiously, trying to suppress the jolt of arousal as rough hands slide up his thigh.
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Gregory shakes his head, "... not a girlfriend." He moves onto the other leg, not elaborating too much. He doesn't linger this time, sitting back once he's done.
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blinks at the reply, waiting until Gregory sits back before sliding his foot up the boy's chest. "But
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someone else...?" he prods with a growing grin. "I had thought perhaps, seeing as you have such skill with delicate stockings," he teases.
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Gregory reaches up for the stray foot, curling his hand around Francis' ankle. "... just playing?" He tries, frowning in embarrassment. Sometimes his grasp of the language just frustrated him.
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pouts at that answer. "Ahh so just nothing serious," he hums. He had a bad habit of forgetting Gregory wasn't fluent in French yet.
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Gregory had noticed. He settles Francis' foot down before pushing himself up. "What next?" He asks, looking at the remaining clothes.
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.is disappointed when Greogry pulls away, leaning forward to look over his clothes too. "Bustle, petticoat, and then the dress and wig," he lists off, standing
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up. The more layers he put on, the further Gregory's hands were from him. Alas!
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Gregory hears the names, looks at the items of clothing and then looks to Francis again like a lost puppy. He had no idea what to do next.
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He reaches for the bustle, holding it up. "Uhhh... this?"
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looks back to Gregory, though blinking at the lost look on the boy's face. He laughs a little as the other does his best though. "Oui, that one," he hums. "Tie it around my waist~"
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Gregory lets out a loud sigh, which while could be mistaken for relief, was more one of mild annoyance. Shouldn't someone more experienced be doing this. He moves closer, hesitating about how to do this before
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leaning in to reach behind Francis and wrap it around him. He ties the front, well aware of how close he was to the man's crotch.
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smiles, thinking the sigh was of relief. He waits until Gregory is close before draping his arms on the boy's shoulders casually as he ties him in. "Such skillful hands~" he hums teasingly.
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Gregory glances up, noting how close the other was before looking back down again. He triple checks the knot is secure, before his hands reachs around Francis to tug at the bustle. "How is it?"
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He asks, just by Francis' ear. His own heart is thudding in his chest from the proximity.
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smirks as Gregory doesn't back away this time. The voice in his ear travels right down his spine and causes him to shiver slightly, humming softly in reply. "I feel like I can sashay with the best of them~" he
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grins, slipping a hand down to Gregory's waist. "Would you dance with me like this~?" he murmurs lowly.
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Gregory doesn't step back straight away, his hands dangling by his sides. He's not exactly sure what to do with them. "... I can't." He doesn't know how to dance like they do in the court.
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Gregory wasn't sure what to do with himself, sighing a little as he holds out a hand. "I can teach you the Gay Gordons." Sometimes he was willing to indulge Francis, especially when they were this close.
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blinks when Gregory hesitates and admits that, cluing in.. right. "Ah, don't say can't!" but before he can offer to teach, Gregory is taking his hand and offering a different dance. "The..... what?" he asks in
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confusion, sliding his hand into Gregory's a little apprehensively. "That doesn't sound like any sort of dance I've heard of."
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Gregory smiles, amusement causing the outer corners of his eyes to crease. Of course Francis wouldn't have heard of it. "The Gay Gordon." He repeats, manoeuvring Francis into the female position. "
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It's easy," he assures, stepping in behind Francis and taking his hands.
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arches a brow at the confidence, but allows himself to be lead, humming softly as Gregory takes my hands. "Did you grow up with this one, then?" he asks, glancing back to the redhead.
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Gregory nods, looking rather eager to share it with someone. It wasn't often he got to talk about home. "Since I was small."
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He leads Francis forward four steps before turning the man and leading him back in the same direction for another four. "Then repeat," he says softly,
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leading Francis through the same steps so they're back where they started.
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hums softly as he follows Gregory steps, a little surprised at the simplicity of it. It was even easier than the waltz. "This seems pretty straightforward," he comments as Gregory twirls him.
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Gregory nods as he pulls Francis a bit closer and turns them both around before resuming the original posture and starting again. "... we do it while drinking." Despite the simplicity of it though,
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He seems to be enjoying himself.
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smiles as Gregory pulls him in closer and he notices the other is seeming to have fun. He can't help but laugh at that comment though, shaking his head a little. "Ahh, that would explain it," he grins, letting
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himself fall easily into following Gregory's steps. "Perhaps I should introduce this to the court," he laughs.
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Gregory laughs a little as well, imagining all the stiff nobles dancing like back home. "... I wouldn't." He finishes them off, stopping Francis by the bed. "The..." he shrugs, "they'll be no heart to it."
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He reaches for the last piece of clothing that looks like an undergarment, seemingly in better spirits. "This next?"
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grins as they finish off, something about Gregory's laughter putting him in a better mood as well. "This is true, the majority of them would be the absolute worst at it. Waltzes are fine I guess," he chuckles
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, glancing at the petticoat he picks up. "Oui, that's next. It has to go on over my head," he hums, smoothing out his underclothes first.
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Gregory grumbles less about this piece of clothing, carefully bringing it over Francis' head and slipping it on. He kneels down at the man's feet, straightening out the skirt at the bottom.
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"Maybe your people have similar dances?" He stands up, smiling as he suggests, "You should dance with them."
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watches as Gregory fluffs out the bottom, waiting until he pulls back to swing his hips a little. "...I have never considered that," he hums. Commoner dances were not considered suiting for the court to
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perform. "The court dances are a lot of fun though. Perhaps one day I could teach you them~" he smiles.
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Gregory makes a face at that idea, "... maybe." He stands up when the petticoat seems to have settled... as far as he could tell atleast. "What's next?" he asks, glancing towards the clock.
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Gregory still needed to change himself.
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hums hapilly, stepping over to the bed and picking up the actual dress now. "Just this, and the wig, then you can return to your other duties," he promises, noticing his glance.
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Gregory nods, stepping forward to help Francis into the dress. He has to ask for help every so often, fumbling with some of the more delicate points.
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If there is any scots, it's most certainly cursing directed at himself. "I'm glad I was born a boy."
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||Really, Francis should've called up a couple people to help with this part. But they eventually manage it, and Francis stands with a huff of breath in relief. "That was more than I thought it would be," he
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laughs, tugging at the dress to make it fall right. "Women really ought to simplify their routines," he hums in thought, looking over himself in the mirror.
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Gregory wholeheartedly agrees, nodding. "It must be a pain to get off as well," he grumbles, not even wanting to think about it. He brings the wig over, standing by Francis in the mirror.
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The older man looked surprisingly good in the dress, Gregory's eyes running over his figure. "Last is the wig."
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hums in agreement, glancing at the other in the mirror. "I would think getting it off would be easier, since you don't have to keep it pretty anymore, right?" he hums, having to duck down a bit so that Gregory
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can reach to put the wig on him.
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He hums... "That's true." Gregory carefully places the wig on his head, tucking in a stray strand before standing back. ".... you look better as a man," he states, rather bluntly.
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flushes slightly at the gentle way Gregory tucks his hair back... before the moments ruined. He laughs though as he stands up straight, batting his eyelashes at Gregory. "What, you don't fancy a beautiful
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dame like myself~?" he teases in a somewhat higher pitched voice, reaching out to cup his chin. "But monsieur, I am so in need of a strong man to help me have some fun~" he winks.
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Gregory frowns at the other, cheeks flushing at the play acting. It's short lived however, the good mood of earlier still affecting him. "You want someone more noble."
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hums as if in thought, bopping the tip of Gregory's nose before walking away to start powdering his face. "I do suppose that's what the /rules/ say I must do," he hums, sliding delicately into his dressing
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table chair. "But I am also King, and I make the rules," he grins mischievously, glancing back at Greg.
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laughs at that, shrugging his shoulder. "I suppose for tonight I do," he hums, patting his nose with powder, before realizing Gregory was anxious to return to his previous duties. "...I suppose that the end of
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having your hands all over me tonight, hmm?" he chuckles, looking back to him. "You're dismissed, to go finish the prep for tonight," he nods.
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Gregory huffs, more out of amusement than spite and shakes his head at the man. "I'll see you tonight."
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He leaves with a much better impression of Francis than when he had entered, and all the more confused for it.
7 years ago
The party takes Gregory aback. While he has gotten used to life in the palace, to some extent, the extravagence of their balls still unsettles him. Being surrounded by so much food and drink
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when there are people who go without eats at his conscience. Although, he supposes the court doesn't think about this very much, if at all. They probably weren't often confronted with the plights of the poor.
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He walks throughout the crowd with his tray of wine glasses, watching as people take the beverages without sparing him a glance. The anonymity of the party, while refreshing, is also unnerving.
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It seems to give people a right to forget common decency.
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Despite the fact that the whole party is in costume, Gregory spots Francis easily in the crowd. It's with a small amount of relief that Gregory notes the dress is still all in one piece
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and Francis is still standing despite the corset. Gregory edges his way over through the crowd, curiosity getting the better of him.
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Gregory knew better than to call out to Francis, but it wouldn't hurt to pass by him every so often to check that he was okay.
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, on the other hand, was right at home amongst the extravagance of the party. With a band playing music for them, people dancing and drinking, and friends surrounding him from neighbouring countries as well,
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it was hard not for him to get swept into the fun of the night. It helped that he was able to hang out with people more his age, instead of the aging fogeys of his mother's court. He does happen to notice
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Gregory during one of the boy's pass bys, the red hair behind the his more common looking uniform making it easy. He throws a cheeky wink in his direction before returning to his conversation with a handsome
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Russian prince.
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It's not until a little later in the night where Francis seems to be conspicuously missing from the party, despite the fact that his friends had continued drinking and dancing without him and perhaps not
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actually noticed his disappearance after all.
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Gregory startles as he realises he's been caught, running off to refill his tray with glasses. That doesn't stop him from walking by the group every so often, noting how they seemed to be getting more drunk
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with each pass.
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Gregory notices on a second lap of Francis' group, thinking perhaps he had went to the bathroom on the first. Panic settles in his stomach as he remembers how tight the corset was... how much Francis had been
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drinking. He quietly empties his tray upon passing through Francis' group of friends, walking past them and down the corridor where the festivities of the party seem more muffled. He starts opening doors to
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several rooms, many he hasn't even come across before, as he looks for Francis. A small sense of panic settles in the bottom of his stomach as he picks up the pace, practically bursting through
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doors now in his efforts to find Francis.
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was having a great time. Perhaps he was a little more drunk than he intended to be, but with a great party atmosphere and a cutie that wasn't rebuffing his flirtations, it was easy to get too wrapped up in the
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atmosphere. So of course he's disappeared into a nearby room with the Russian prince in tow for some fun.
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By the time Gregory is nearing the room where the pair was, Ivan had Francis bent over the back of a lounge chair, dress hiked up, wig missing, bloomers tossed to the side ungracefully so that his whole
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rear was exposed. Francis is trying in vain to be quiet in his pleasure, but when the door bursts open he can''t help but shout in surprise. Ivan lets out a groan as Francis tenses, but otherwise simply pauses
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and looks up to the intruder, seemingly undisturbed at getting caught.
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Gregory feels a spike of worry run through him at the shout, taking a couple of steps into the room before realising what he had just walked into. He makes a noise of surprise himself, retreating in his shock.
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The next emotion to take over is anger, slowly forming in his chest. He bows down lowly, revealing his red hair in the process. "Sorry." He moves to leave with that, avoiding looking at a scene.
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He is fairly certain it's engrained in his mind already.
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pushes himself up to see who was at the door, cheeks flushed but laughing when he spots the familiar figure bowing at them. "Gregory~" he coos. "Come join us~~" Ivan seems less pleased at the offer. "Francis
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really, a servant?" he huffs, sliding a hand into the blonde's dishevelled hair.
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"Yeah but he's a cute one~ Don't be mea-ah-!" Francis's breath catches as Ivan tugs his hair, train of thought getting easily distracted. Perhaps it was best that Gregory cuts out of there fast, as neither
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of them seemed to be too ashamed of themselves.
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Gregory looks back as Francis calls his name, immediately regretting it. Francis looks absolutely wrecked. He makes a strangled noise at the back of his throat, embarrassed enough for everyone_
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And rushes to leave, fumbling somewhat to close the door behind him. The image of Francis like that.... he tries to shake it from his mind and fails. He leans back against the door to catch his breath before
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Realising he can still hear them. He pushes himself up and stalks off back to the party, scowling. He was beginning to realise he was just a 'pet' to Francis.
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can be heard laughing and then groaning in pleasure once the door is shut. He'd be sad that Gregory thinks this affects anything between them really, but that's because he's a hedonist. Francis returns to the
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party a bit later, dancing off the rest of the night and staying up until the very end. Gregory at least gets off free from having to help him undress that night, and Francis passes out after far, far too
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much partying.
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Gregory spends the rest of the night avoiding Francis completely, and does a rather good job. He is sent to bed before the end of the party along with the rest of the kitchen staff. They would be preparing the
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next morning afterall. He is relieved when he isn't called upon to help Francis in the middle of the night, waking up to his roommate getting ready for work.
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It's in the middle of prep that Gregory is finally called for, scowling as he hears that Francis has called for him. He makes his way up, not seeming to care about the time, and pushes the door open.
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The big bang that causes is just an added bonus. "Wake-up, your highness."
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had requested Gregory the night before, so he's actually still half dozing when the other bursts in. He startles awake with an incoherent shout, sitting upright. "Huh....Gregory..?" is all he manages to
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mumble, blinking blearily at the figure in the doorway before just collapsing right back down into the layers of blankets and pillows that cushioned his bed. "Too early........come cuddle instead," he murmurs,
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haphazardly patting the bed next to him.
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Gregory bites down on his lip to hide a smile. In his mind Francis deserved that. Instead of joining the Prince, he crosses the room to open the curtains. He has no mercy. "Your breakfast will get cold."
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cries out in surprise when suddenly the room is filled with light, pulling a pillow over his head and groaning pathetically. "It's still morning...?" he whines. Ugh. why..
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Gregory makes his way over to the side of the bed, making no effort to lower his voice for Francis. "Yes... you wanted me to wake you up." He almost sounds happy...
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stays hidden under his pillow for a moment, before a very soft whine can be heard. He turns over enough to peek at Gregory, looking like a bit of a mess... his hair was messed up, and there were still some
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remnants of the makeup he had applied last night on his face. Gregory was certainly getting blackmail level goods here... good thing the camera hadn't been invented yet. "....not unless you've brought
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me wine..." he huffs.
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Gregory rolls his eyes... he swears to god all people do here is drink wine. He looks down at the figure in front of him unable to hold back a small snort of amusement.
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This man was ridiculous.... "First, eat something." There is a pause, "and wash." He starts picking up Francis' clothes, somewhat gingerly, and placing them over a chair.
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pouts at the little laugh, able to register it was directed at him. "Do't be mean to me," he huffs, reluctantly after a moment pushing himself up to sitting again, blankets pooling around his waist to
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reveal he had managed to convince Marianne to allow him to sleep naked. He groans, rubbing his somewhat bruised ribs slightly before dropping his hands to his lap and blinking blearily at the
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redhead. "Will you bathe with me again then~?" he hums, though a lot less pep in his teasing than usual. Oh god, his head hurt.
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Gregory looks over, at the man, frowning first at the bruises before then noticing the nakedness. The answer to Francis' request is a quick, "No," before he goes to find Francis a shirt.
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.is disappointed by the quick denial. "Noo... come bathe with me," he insists, brushing his fingers through his hair to try and tame it. Damn wig hair....
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Gregory comes back with a shirt and trousers, holding them out to the Prince. "No." He looks at the hair nervously... how did you even start to fix that?
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would need to wash his hair, or to have someone brush it many times with some oil to smooth it back out. He pouts still as he's handed the clothes, seeming to debate them a moment before just falling
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back into the pillows. Life was hard.
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Gregory's eyebrow twitches as Francis falls back onto the pillow. He had honestly thought he'd almost gotten Francis up. "... do you want Marianne?"
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holds his hands up in a grabby motion from his spot on the bed. "I want you to stop being so noisy and come cuddle me until my head stops spinning," he answers softly.
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Gregory makes a face. He doesn't want to get in bed with Francis when he smells like that... and after last night. "I'll go get Marianne."
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whines at him! So mean... of course maybe he can nap if Gregory leaves. "If you're not going to be nice to me, then fiiiine."
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Gregory considers his options for a moment, seriously considering just leaving. It's with a sigh that he tugs on the covers, exposing Francis_
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To the cold morning air. He grabs Francis' wrist, tugging him out of the bed and onto the floor. "Have a bath. I'll bring breakfast."
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smiles for a moment when he thinks Gregory is going to join him, blinking in surprise as he's instead pulled up and out into the chill of the air. He gasps in displeasure, but manages to remain standing,
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rubbing his head. "Fiiine," he huffs, reluctantly taking first baby steps to the bathroom. Admittedly floating in water did sound pretty nice to his hungover ass, but being upright was absolutely terrible.
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Gregory helps Francis towards the bathroom, going as far as to open the door for the older man. Thankfully the maids had thought far enough to prepare the bath,
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meaning Gregory could escape here. "I'll go get breakfast."
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