7 years ago
Blaaaargh.... So many podcasts....
latest #12
too little time. don't i know it
7 years ago
hellglass: I want to get caught up and ask Jessie if I can be on Alphabet Flight since I'm pretty sure I literally have some of those books he's using (the old 86 Marvel Encyclopedia....)
oh totally do it. i just did it last night
but i know very little Marvel, i was lucky and got one character i actually knew out of three. haha
7 years ago
Ha ha ha, yeah, I think Jessie is going have to shout at me to shut up if we get on some I actually know. >.>
i think i would have been more comfortable if there was another person there who know a little more than me
7 years ago
Also helping Darren out this Sunday with another Arrested Development episode at least though.
7 years ago
And War and Beast seems to going okay. We're like 2/3rds the way through the first season.
Zestium Beam!
7 years ago
sounds like a busy schedule
7 years ago
DrSKirk: You would think. T_T
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