生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
英國脫歐讓以倫敦為根的銀行面臨「惡夢般」的抉擇 - 衛報
Brexit leaves London-based banks facing 'nightmarish...+
Could Paris really steal City of London crown after ...https://imgur.com/yjHEjgG.jpg
#Brexit脫歐公投後續 #金融中心財經風險 #法國
latest #16
universenut:就是這句話呀。=w= 所以我媽當初聽到巴黎可能會成為新的歐洲金融中心時就說好可怕。www
Goldman Sachs to move hundreds of staff out of London due to Brex...

Bank, which employs 6,000 staff in UK, says it will take extra space in Frankfurt and Paris as part of contingency plan

#金融中心 #高盛 #應變措施 #法國巴黎 #德國法蘭克福
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