生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
川普當選 美國多處發生抗爭
Donald Trump's shock victory sparks protests across ...
The Guardian view on President-Elect Donald Trump: a...
The world's newspapers react to Trump's election vic... https://imgur.com/THQaEuG.jpg https://imgur.com/1oFtRlO.jpg

Electing Trump: the moment America laid waste to dem...
President-Elect Trump: Last Week Tonight with John O...#美國總統大選2016後續 #希拉蕊 #投票機制 #Davos菁英新自由主義
latest #59
US election: Donald Trump's presidential win sparks tense protests across major US cities – live
US elections: protests held against president-elect – as it happe...
Hillary Clinton is set to win the popular vote despite losing the presidential race
Hillary Clinton poised to win popular vote despite losing preside...
It was the rise of the Davos class that sealed America’s fate | Naomi Klein
It was the Democrats' embrace of neoliberalism that won it f...
[噗內回應] 剛剛看到川普顧問打算任命華爾街高層當財政部長,當初拿華爾街狂打希拉蕊,把自己塑造成站在窮困人民的一方,現在只覺得呵呵
Donald Trump advisors consider Jamie Dimon for treas...
其實如果是韓國(種族)女性(性別)主導並不奇怪,而且又有脫煤廢核背景只是被東運這種八卦雜誌給帶風向了。倒是有人指出說幕後是索羅斯扇動的,微妙。 w
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
With Trump it’s time to go beyond mere disgust | Jonathan Freedla...

Anger over the president’s repulsive behaviour is important. But it needs to be shaped into a coherent political argument


via [生活中找樂趣] 你最糟的惡夢:一個成功的川普總統 - 美國 - 衛報國際版 - 'Your...
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