playing with the AK bento head demo i'm not sold
latest #23
the lips can only curl down or they look awkward if you turn them up, and while the mike head has a better overall shape, it still has this issue, which is probably fine for most people in sl
since everyone and their mother has their lips turned down anyway
also the lack of expressions is something that feels really restrictive, but perhaps with new poses/animations this can be walked around
also, whoever told them that mesh lines in front of your face would let you demo a head, i don't mind wearing a unicorn to the side or make it a 5 min demo or something, but it's really annoying to try to look
oakley_foxtrot: it's the demo, i haaaate that lol
8 years ago
can you derender the lines?
kookiemonsta: i don't think so
yeah it really makes it hard to try it lol
8 years ago
here's a product for you try, but hey, let us make it so hard for you to see the actual product so just buy the item sight untried ok? kkthxbai.
oakley_foxtrot: i think only AK has bento at the moment for guys, i mean i am totally behind bento for sure, just not 100% happy with the lips in this, the rest is passable
i'll go on a strike if they don't, and only play my falt until they give in (such threats)
8 years ago
Yeah. I already owned the head so I got the free bento update and can play with it without lines, but what I really wanted to change was the mouth and there was no way to do it ...
8 years ago
without getting a serious beak from the side.
LordWinter: YES that exactly, the two sliders that control the lip size (not lenght) make it stick out like we're duck-facing. And well also it's frowny lips or awkward half open
8 years ago
I couldn't work out why the hell it would do that!
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