david comes back holding boiling hot coal and brimstone encrusted with jemstones as he makes a nest out of it
looks up watching him with a smile see baby daddy is home
he slowly stands going to him welcome back my dear
looks up smileing hello putting a hand on his belly
the egg moves as Dento giggles Heh it already knows it's daddy's touch
smiles. As he gets back to work I'm almost done. I'll light a fire to keep it all extra warm
Dento smiles as he sits watching him I'm really impressed David
smiles lighting a hot fire in the fireplace there perfect!!
he smiles feeling the egg jolt an easy baby
I'm not sure.... he smiles
he flinches feeling a small pain Ah! o.. okay its.... its comming...
Ah shit! Okay um what do we do??
I.... I need.... ah shit it hurts! w... we need help....
falling to his knees Ahh damn... D... does anyone if the family know what to do?
picking him up holding him close the mages do flyong to the castle quickly
in scream pain as they arrive the mages seeing them taking making him comfortable
being told to sit back but in the same room as the mages dull the pain
Dento looks too him with a soft smile as they position him okay you need to push Dento nods breathing and pushing feeling the egg move as he trembles
looks on curiously getting on his toes trying to get a better look
one mage smiles bringing David over add the egg moves out of him Dento pushing feeling the pain
the mages slowly get the egg out cleaning it off it's perfect
(I made another rp, Prussia one)
dento lays back his breath heavy covered in sweat
david kisses dento..you did it my love
Dento looks up with a smile is... is it safe?
Yes, the mages are cleaning it the mages wrap up the egg and passes it to them
Dento smiles holding it gently blowing a warm fire on it hi baby
blowung a small fire on it too then kissing dento
kisses him back with a smile the mages smile he shouldn't move for awhile. if ugly want to take him home be careful
..what do you want to do dento? I think we should stay here for a little while
he smiles let's stay then... I don't wanna worry you
Ja sitting next to him and cuddelibg him and the egg
he smiles holding the egg blowing small flames in it I'm so happy that for flies open as Roderick walks in with Dimitri smiling
david looks and bows hello father roderich smiles stroking the egg so cute
Dento smiles looking exhausted Dimitri walking in congratulations you two. how are you feeling Dento? Dento looks up with a smile happy... but a little tired