伊斯蘭國用狡猾又殘酷的IED 拖延摩蘇爾攻略戰-衛報
The cunning and cruel explosive devices Isis improvises to stall ...
From teddy bears to bombs: the IEDs of Isis – in picturesDefused IEDs at the Summel exhibition centre, DohukIEDs disguised as children’s toysA defused IED attached to a toy truck.+
摩蘇爾攻略戰 恐導致1百萬名伊拉克難民流離失所
Battle for Mosul could displace as many as 1 million Iraqis
latest #11
8 years ago
因為小時候當時看到台北炸彈的新聞,加上看了《金甲部隊》等越戰電影,長大又看了《危機倒數》,對於路邊這種奇怪的東西都滿...警覺或是怕的 = ="
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