Ninja Pixy
8 years ago
Also, our pathology department has a new managed equipment service and we're going live with new equipment on Sunday 6th...There are so many problems with this.
latest #9
Ninja Pixy
8 years ago
Like, why choose a Sunday to make all your changes so that you have like...3 hours of support once the systems are live to solve all your problems?
Ninja Pixy
8 years ago
Why not do it on the Saturday like everyone suggested? So you have the entire Sunday to go "Hey shit, this isn't working out like we planned. We're backed up."
Ninja Pixy
8 years ago
"It's a good job we did this on a day when we only have 4000 samples coming through the lab the next day, rather than on a Sunday when the next day there's 16000+ coming through."
Ninja Pixy
8 years ago
But no...Sunday has been 'agreed' as the sensible option.
Ninja Pixy
8 years ago
I should also note that NONE of the service users have yet been informed that basically there's going to be huge disruption to the diagnostic service that week.
Ninja Pixy
8 years ago
Well, other than a vague message in the hospital bulletin that a change is coming. No defined dates.
Ninja Pixy
8 years ago
But it's cool to let everyone know with only a week to go, right?
Ninja Pixy
8 years ago
Plenty of time for people to plan shit out.
Ninja Pixy
8 years ago
GPs haven't even had the slightest hint that everything will be going to shit in about a week and a half.
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