Sachiv says
7 years ago
Hey guys, who is blogging and what mesh heads do you have?!
latest #15
Sachiv says
7 years ago
I need to update my list!
7 years ago
I don't blog very often at all but I replurked for you :-))
7 years ago
catwa destiny only
horchata says
7 years ago
Catwa all & Fiore
SHAYnyXmasStar says
7 years ago
i still blog and i own LOGO, Catwa, SLink Visage, Genesis and GA.EG
7 years ago
Catwa Helena and I blog every once in awhile.
Twinkly-Linky says
7 years ago
I blog and use lelutka, laq, Logo but mainly wear Catwa, I have a ton of their heads but usually wear Jessica or Destiny
Sachiv says
7 years ago
Can you add your SL names if it's not obvious please!
7 years ago
I'm not sure what this is for, but I own all the catwa heads, all the genesis heads, lelutka simone, LAQ, fiore soft(?) or something, not sure which fiore. my SL name is Daeberethwen Arbenlow.
7 years ago
all tsg heads, catwa jessica, gwen and dyana, akeruka kioko and genesis lab heads but i can't remember the name. though in the end i mostly wear my own mesh head + omega appliers
Sachiv says
7 years ago
It's for my personal who to send things to blog to list
7 years ago
I blog...on occasion. I've mostly slacked off due to life and other things. When I do blog, I have LeLutka Stella, and LOGO Alex and Sadie.
7 years ago
Nieve Thor/Ani
7 years ago
For mesh head...Catwa (jessica and aisha). Lelutka (simone & aria). Logo (i forgot the name). Mesh body -> belleza and maitreya
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