She was like "yeah! Yeah, I could fight evil in that." And I was like "right!?"
Don't get me wrong, I dig hot ladies and hot dudes in hot outfits, no doubt. But this goes to one of the problems I have with the Battle Swimsuit and all its ilk
For some characters, turning up the Sexy Dial a little is more than fine; Nura springs to mind as someone who enjoys showing more skin than average.
But who the hell wants to rush into a battle with space monsters in fuggin heels!?
I did show her some of Kinetix's fashion choices, and Umbra of course, to illustrate that particular point
I too appreciated such things
I am 100% behind a variety of costumes, from reserved to daring. Because costuming should be to show something about the character, not to titillate or slut-shame.
Daring costumes can totally work: Ayla and Nura off the top of my head would go that direction. But soooo fuckin often it gets treated as default
owls_in_moss: You actually came up when we covered Sensor, or as I described her to my boss, "Princess Snake Magician"
And we need
serenity2132 opinion on this, but for me headcanon for Ayla is "Pants are stupid and I hate them." So legs is cool you know? But that's a far cry from shit like this
Yeah, there's a reason Jo has chosen the version of Shadow with the long coat.
Indeed! And Jo I think does it perfect: Tas comes from a world where clothes aren't really mandatory. She may be topless when hanging out, but her uniform is practically minded
One of the things that always kind of bugs me about super heroine costumes is the lack of bust support
Like Tasmia in the above pic, that is NOT going to support boobs of that size
There's "meh, I'm not doing much today, so I don't really care about wearing a bra" and there's "let me wear something needlessly complicated that is going to be uncomfortable for no good reason"
Because it's not like they draw flat-chested superheroines all that much
There is a certain volume of boob where, if you are going to be doing anything more athletic than unhurried walking, you want support
BOOBS ARE NOT BALLOONS, they do in fact have mass and nerve endings
You know, in my head it's less "pants are stupid" and more "I find almost anything more comfortable than pants so why bother with them?"