RIP my PSN, Steam, and hopefully NOT googleplay. I've been hacked.
latest #15
I think I managed to remove my Visa card out from PSN, since I'll be not pay to play but still....
Steam, as well, I maybe forget the password but I knew I never ever use any other password that I remember. But I could be wrong
I hope Steam didn't get hack because I still have my VISA card in there
there's once, my instagram and twitter got hacked as well, but I only manage to save Twitter from this slut girl
i dont understand these hackers
just saying to be careful.
oh finally PSN support team received my plead.
I hope I got my info right and get back my PSN
I need it god I really do, all my achivos and Legend of Mana
i gotta think of new complicated password for now
two-factor authentication could also help, if you can do it. Google, Steam, and PSN have it, I think.
psn has that thing i just saw it two days ago
i went paypal and remove my card just in case although i trust paypal security way more secure but psn??
gosh i need it for persona 5 later
also, good thing that i still can play LEgend of mana as it had already install in my PS3
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