生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
硬脫歐將造成財政部損失660億元英鎊 - 衛報
Hard Brexit will cost Treasury up to £66bn a year, m...外流報告:離開歐盟單一市場將造成GDP衰落5.4~9.5%之間,以及流失大量的稅收
Brexit adviser: leaving EU customs union will cost U...https://imgs.plurk.com/QuS/Jza/LCGPeWmdgwmEym3rJe9sfxJOepK_mt.jpeg?https://imgs.plurk.com/QuS/bcU/VB3p7Z5rEPEPIDxNdsMyKf3AhDl_mt.jpeg
#Brexit英國脫歐公投後續 #洩密外洩
latest #36
原標題:Leaving EU customs union will cost UK £25bn a year, says government adviser
影子貿易大臣投書:脫歐就是離開單一市場與關稅同盟區,原因就在此: - 衛報評論
Brexit means leaving the single market and the customs union. Her...

The 52% who voted to leave the EU would consider it a con if Britain was out of Europe but still subservient to its laws and institutions
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