seems people ignore my items..I follow Flickr and my views and Flickr went really down. I really
can't understand what's happening..if it depends on the customers, change of trend or something I miss. I'm changing bloggers list, I'm searching a manager,
I'm changing vendor system so people will have redelivery and gifts, I made a new group wich will open soon with new monthly gifts...but after this idk if it will be enough..
I'm not able at the moment to study to make rigged meshes, I tried but I'm back and forth from the hospital...I would really like to have designers with me,
since Lucifer left SL I'm always alone in my platform, and it's been really hard to find inspiration..
I always ask for suggestions, things that can improve my store and my work in here's to you
sorry if I'm being too long, but I really don't know what else to do..I'm also searching new events to participate, maybe it can help in some way..
Hey Gyorgyna! this is Grazia. I love your items, but for my style, they are not always wearable. One real issue that i keep having is that I find your necklaces difficult to fit on my avie.
I'm not sure whether you are very petite or slim, but it's something that keeps me from wearing things more often.
also... IM me sometimes in world if you just want to hang out, or if you want to have some in world feed back on stuff you're working on. Always willing to help!
what do you mean for style?? I try often to make different things...some casual, some fantasy because even my bloggers have different styles and I see it from their posts...
what about the size? are they too large?? too small? or is the shape? cause I'm making them always modify
but if it's the shape I can adjust it...if it's the size I'm making them mod for this reason, to fit as much shapes as possible
for me it's the shape ... i'll IM you sometime, so I can show you if you want!!
hey , here is amelie from vespertine, ive always loved your brand, but lately your creations have very special look and tehy are not so my style ( its not a bad thing, just my opinion) maybe if you tried to
make something more classic ( im desperately looking for brooches in sl) then im sure maybe it would help you... but generally i'm stuggling with market as well
Hi! This is Cora (one of your bloggers, so of course I love the brand). While you special pieces, are just that, I agree with Amelie, maybe going toward some of the classic items may help? A lot of people
seem to really be loving the layered, delicate items. I know I do. But I also really enjoy you're big statement pieces. You're always who I go to for those.

I also loved the last in store line - it had
such a great variety of items that included hats, masks, etc. I thought that was great because I don't see many lines doing those types of releases any more.
Everyone is very event focused.
I would love to make a new instore release, really..I hope to make a new one soon!! For the items, well, I love statements too
, I tend to do big jewelry cause focusing on photos and ads, I think little accessories tend to disappear, no?? what Inever think is many customers don't hae a blog and they buy just to have items..
thanks for this suggestion!!!
apple90: what do you mean for classic?? simple sets of jewelry?? classic in that way?? I made a couple of brooches some time ago, but you're right I'm not doing anymore..also bracelets..
I tend to create more necklaces+earrings and headpieces (these last I think sell more) and also face accessories capture more attention...but yes..I can do more classic too!
the fact is that for example for collabor88 is hard to make classic cause we always have themes...this last month I made a simple set and it went sooo bad S
I have said this in many places. SL income is decreasing. The outlook for the holiday isn't great either. Resell value of the L is still climbing up. Branch away from SL to earn extra income.
eagle454: I'm sorry I didn't read before, I do back and forth from Plurk and I may not have read everything
well i personally love your stuff! but i agree(since i'm male too) some items don't always fit my style/shape. have you thought of trying to make shoes? if its below the ankle its easy to make unrigged!
and shoe rigging is very easy too, since its just a few bones to fiddle with, in case you want to ease into it!
I used to shop you a lot but I don't go for big jewelry anymore.
loquat94: what is your style now?? can you link some references?? I did a couple of layered jewels for the chapter four, maybe it's that style??
i went through your flickr again and i have to agree, your pieces especially necklaces are quite large and the style you have is a bit quirky and artistic, unfortunately as i know well from rl as i'm pretty
much into design from all fields this will never find accurate response from the audience because it will remain as the speciality that not everyone is gonna like
i really like your scultping and work with gold, i probably still own macaron ring you made, id like style of this... people love gems, silver gold and trendy stuff like copper materials too..
for example if i should speak for myself i 'd like sculpted animals necklaces , or organic looking floral rings, maybe if you will do a reserach you will find something that might help
i think this is hard for every designer that goes out of the traditional taste , maybe make a survey, try and you will see if you will fail or not... but yeah sl market sales are slowly going down for a while
and i try to think about the use of your jewellry-its perfect for gowns, perfect for fashionista looks and haute couture, but its not for everyone, so something that goes with a lot casual clothing might work
I know many use Pinterest to find inspiration, if you don't use it already ,subs that would help. Or surf the tumblr fashion blogs.
Subs that? Wha? I don't even know what my sausage fingers are doing anymore
I think you should update your ad style
I will do more casual then...and will change shape for my jewels!!! Ty!!!
ferret30: what do you mean? This is really interesting for me! Please tell me..
apple90: thank you for your suggestions and compliments! You are right, I tend to make more elaborate items than casual...
apple90: I have to admit I always tought SL was a place to make something soecial and different, something that can't exist in real life..
and that's probably why I make so particular items..but yes, I accept your suggestions and will make mOre casuals ☺️ Tyty!!
ferret30: ehat about the ad style? What do you mean?