so in the last three days at goodwill i found the custom made neverending story tablet holder and a pair of brandnew gaming head phones. The case cost $2 with an original price of $69. The headphones $3 and are
latest #18
literally namebrand headphones and a one of a kind cover totalling $170 for @5 bucks
I think I can say I am definitely decent at goodwill shooping
i don't even know how i managed this they weren't there a few days ago
tips: always look in the glass cases. sometimes people donate brand new ps3s and stuff. anything they know is worth any money will be there
they have a chessboard from the late 1800s7early 1900s at mine rn
also where i vgot my headphones
check. everything. neverending story had no name on the side znd was tossed carelessly in the kids picture books area
my store has someone who isfinicky about where books go, but sometimes theyre in weirx places
i didnt have te money for it or i would have snaggdx it
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