♛ princess
7 years ago
(coming out day) actually I was wondering- what people's thoughts were on how their orientation is/isn't reflected in what they rp
latest #68
♛ princess
7 years ago
I self-define as pan, and in rl I'd say I'm equally attracted to everyone :/
♛ princess
7 years ago
but I find that in rp land I tend to have way less ships with ladies and I wonder why that is?
♛ princess
7 years ago
♛ princess
7 years ago
but I feel like I've also played characters all over the sexuality spectrum
♛ princess
7 years ago
and found it really difficult to ship with girls!!!
♛ princess
7 years ago
resigns myself to pining ig
I'm lesbian and I have this issue... I have no issue playing the dude or the girl in het ships but lesbian ships are so hard
♛ princess
7 years ago
I also find lesbian ships really hard!! what makes then hard for you?
and i think i know why it is, at least from the mediums i play
there's less of an emphasis on female relationships/friendships in general
a lot of anime/video game content that has that is geared towards a male gaze and is really gross
i love shipping ladies but dwrp is a goddamn sausage fest icly so that doesnt help
♛ princess
7 years ago
do you feel like its just hard to fond female characters willing to build those connections with other female characters?
♛ princess
7 years ago
I def struggled with that playing a canonly queer girl, but I have intimate friendships left right and centre with dudes when playing a dude
im thinking about sheena and korra and yeah. I had issues.
♛ princess
7 years ago
would you say that as a result you end up playing more guys because you get that emotional connection there?
♛ princess
7 years ago
Erin did you have "better luck" with certain lady personalities than others?
♛ princess
7 years ago
LMAO oh god its so true tho
yeah i ended up playing more guys because of a couple things... they had more emphasis in jrpgs which i really like and uh, all the canon gay in the things i like, also dudes.
I don't play exclusively for shipping tho
like im playing kanda who is canon gay but i have no intention of shipping atm
well, canon bi, w/e. BUT HE HAS ... one lady who has spoken to him, ever.... so it's already shaking out again.
gazes into the sun
definitely more deep and meaningful guy cr than lady
7 years ago
I play some girls but I rarely ship with them compared to my m/m characters
7 years ago
Which I've actually figured is because of fear of judgement as well as the fact that I've gotten bashed for shipping them with other characters (LOL)
♛ princess
7 years ago
oh that's so sad ;;
Thaaaaaaaaaaaat sucks
I'm always aware of ship bashing too thanks to some certain people in paradisa way back when lol.
♛ princess
7 years ago
I don't really play to ship myself, in that- I like 700years of emotional buildup ig
♛ princess
7 years ago
so my perspective is probably a little skewed
yeah it takes a long fucking time for me too. my friends call me disney because handholding is basically all you get in a year.
♛ princess
7 years ago
♛ princess
7 years ago
the first time the hold hands
♛ princess
7 years ago
clutches pearls
Oh my god, it slays me
7 years ago
this lmao. though I've gotten bashed for cross-canon ships after a whole year of development (18 MONTHS TO A FIRST KISS, SRS)
7 years ago
so I just avoid public shipping in general and save it for museboxes
no one said a thing to my face the last time i did one, thank god.
but i was so terrified
i spent the whole time just vibrating waiting for the shoe to drop
♛ princess
7 years ago
that's so sad ;;
7 years ago
you can see why I was ABSOLUTELY EAGER for kisses in our log if that was the only kissing we were gonna get I was jumping on it
the chariot
7 years ago
ive played ff, mm, and mf.
the chariot
7 years ago
i dont rp girls as much as i rp guys though and i prefer rping gay shit...than het shit.. but i love touching the pussy
the chariot
7 years ago
so ill do mf...
the chariot
7 years ago
if that mkaes sense..
the chariot
7 years ago
we should do ff.
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