Lyric in Love
7 years ago
Hi lovelies! Can you tell me some good stores for shapes/skins/clothes? I've been out of the loop too long!
latest #8
Ðixxie Mint
7 years ago
Lyric in Love
7 years ago
Hey hey!
7 years ago
First matter is how long have you been out? And which mesh body(ies) do you have?
Lyric in Love
7 years ago
Haha no mesh bodies! It's been that long (like ohhhh over a year)
7 years ago
that's what I was guessing. first try the mesh bodies then we throw clothing stores at you
7 years ago
the big three I know of are Slink, maiterya, and belleza and I probably butchered names cause in not on SL or even home to check spelling
7 years ago
I don't do the mesh head thing so I can't help there
Lyric in Love
7 years ago
Ok thanks :-)
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