Because god damn has iOS 10 taken an annoyance and made it an outright problem.
Look at that. I've missed several combos because of this and more often than not suddenly opening a new app, totally throwing me off.
Before, it was a smaller notification. So if I was careful, I could still tap those top circles and keep going.
Now, it's too fucking big to ignore. And I'be tried.
It's just a problem for when I play Love Live, that's the worst part. I don't mind the notifications any other time and actually make use of them outside the one app.
But apparently it's one of the other. They either stay all on and I dread when a friend posts to Facebook when I'm going for a full combo OR I turn them all off and never know when things are happening.
Hmmm, what if you disable notifications for Facebook? I don't know much about iPhone, so I'm not sure how much help I can be.
MewtwoWarrior: It's notifications for ALL my other apps. Not just Facebook.
I poked around on the iPhone somebody gave me, I think what you may need to do is to go under Settings for the phone, then there should be an option (I think it's the 5th one) that says Notifications
It'll pull up all your apps and things and you can turn off notifications for each one at a time.
Which is like 50 other apps. So turning them off/on just for an hour or so is really annoying because you have to do it FOR EACH ONE INDIVIDUALLY.
Yeah, I'm not sure why things aren't easier to do and I don't know enough to know if there's another way to do it.
And I do make use of the notifications outside of the Live Love app, so permanently turning them off isn't a useful solution either.
I suspect that the "banner" notifications are your problem, but I don't see a way to turn just them off.
Yeah, that's not good, there needs to be a way to customize things better or deactivate things while you're playing a game.
Yeah, I mean, there's a "Do not disturb" mode, but that's only when the phone is idle.
Hmmm, ah, okay. At least there's that, but that doesn't help for games.
So it doesn't work when I'm using an app. Which is what I really need. >.<
It looks like you can change the alert style to turn off the banners but still have the alerts show up in the Notification Center and the Lock Screen.
MewtwoWarrior: Okay, that might work. I'll give that a try. See if that helps.
Good luck, I hope it helps you out. The bad thing is that you have to do it for each app individually as well. Sorry I'm not too familiar with iPhones.
How's it working for you now?
MewtwoWarrior: Slightly okay. No more banners during the game, but still get sounds and alerts. I think. I'm kinda obsessively checking the alert center now....
Oh man, sorry that it's solved one problem, but created a new one.