RANT: So, i decided after testing alot around to get also a Meshhead for my ShopManager Alt to keep him up to date. My final choice was going to get the Samurai Cyrus. Here is the thing tho: for demoing you
only get the demos for the normal head ( ShopManager has Aesthetic and Samurai offers the Head extra also for Aesthetic, but no demo for this). So looking through the demo heads i found one i like regarding
skintone, a darker teint one that looked really nice and fitted the style i was going for (in the demo were 12 skin tones, 6 lighter and 6 darker ones), went to the shop, deciding getting the head for the
Aesthetic, options to buy two: one said light, one said mediium, well regarding to the demos one thinks of course, i want the darker, i need the medium'pack', only to find out there is no pack its one freaking
Skintone only and thats the lightest of the 6 darktones. I call that misleading and not very clearly stated what you get, not even the offered notecard stated the content. 1890ld spend for nothing, cause now
i have to either make up a complete new style or invest even more for other products, that the head offers different beardstyles doesnt help, cause i dont use beards at all. Cant recommend Samurai for their
Meshheads at all, at least not if you look for Aesthetic, that it keeps clipping even tho it is meant for that meshbody we just dont start talking about, okay? hrmpf Kinda pisses me off big time. People need