8 years ago
For OT3 week, I'm just gonna... gently set this Haikyuu thing here The Ways We Fall - Chapter 1 - Jaela - Haikyuu!! [Archive of Our ...
8 years ago
This is AsaSugaNoya (with side DaiSuga), a prequel to my other ongoing thing which has both of those ships and also Suga/Everyone Else
8 years ago
but you don't have to read the other thing to get this, I think, since it all takes place before and also I'm p sure it can stand on its own. ANYWAY HI I LOVE EVERY HQ SHIP
8 years ago
anyway i'm just happy i actually got this up in time for ot3 week. even though it's... literally the night of the final day. I MADE IT, JUST BARELY.