Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
latest #34
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
8 years ago
1, 5, and 21 for Nerdy
8 years ago
as I keep saying, also, we should do things
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
1) Caveat in that she almost never actually sleeps--she does reverie instead. But she tends to rest supine on her back, hands folded over her chest or stomach.
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
5) I'd say she's prone in her hands and shoulders, and maybe in the form of tension headaches.
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
21) Wish one would be to have all her family with her again. Wish 2, that the Oath no longer be in effect, and Wish 3, that Morgoth be sealed up never to be released.
8 years ago
Amroth, 5 12 17 (especially the second part)
8 years ago
Isabela, 1 5 20 30
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
Amroth 5 Mostly his hands. He can get fidgety if he's anxious.
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
Amroth 12 5 unusual characteristics... (thinking)
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
1) He's the only Elvenking born during the Second Age.
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
2) He's one of few Elves to die from something other than an act of war.
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
3) 5,000 year old virgin
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
4) His name is literally all over Middle-earth. He's like the Alexander the Great of Middle-earth.
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
5) He got along with both Dwarves and Ents.
8 years ago
Poor virgin Amroth
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
(IDK if that's what you were going for, but everything else that came to mind made him sound like Finrod Jr.)
8 years ago
(Looool, well, that's tolkiens fault)
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
It wasn't for lack of trying!
8 years ago
True, he is just bad at reading not that into you signals apparently
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
(I take it as proof he really is an Arafinwëan.)
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
Gold star, Amroth. Gold star.
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
Amroth 17 Super extrovert. He can't even go visit his family without bringing 300 of his closest friends. He's the guy that makes you feel like you're the most special person to him in the crowd
8 years ago
8 years ago
Stop being so perfect Amroth, gosh
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
Isabela 1 Apparently, she's a side sleeper.
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
Isabela 5 She doesn't have any that are obvious, as her posture is generally relaxed.
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
Isabela 20 ...just one? TBH, everyone she wants dead tends to end up that way regardless.
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
Isabela 30 Hard to say as she doesn't express a lot of food preferences. But it wouldn't be anything too spicy--she apparently doesn't like her food heavily spiced.
8 years ago
Yes but one consequence free
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
Well, she's already killed Luis, and Devon and Claudio...
8 years ago
Past murders don't count
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
Not many others have pissed her off quite as much since. Maybe Rasaan.
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