Court Mods
8 years ago
Heart-style Event informal news! Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm aiming to have that kick off this Saturday!
latest #45
Court Mods
8 years ago
And apologies for the lack of formal info post--we've had some important announcement things that need to be gathered together and have been waiting on that but since Saturday is coming up fast...
Court Mods
8 years ago
SO just so people have a general idea: you'll be able to run an inner exploration thing of whatever scale you like--just interaction with one 'room' or aspect, or a whole heart game.
Court Mods
8 years ago
It'll be run through the Theatre, so it'll be advertised as an "Impactful Experience" to deal with things that are difficult to say or issues that are hard to get at, and should technically be voluntary
Court Mods
8 years ago
^ ICly, that is.
Court Mods
8 years ago
BUT since many characters distrust the Theatre and may not be willing to sign up, I do want to set up an involuntary option (though on that front I'm still considering the best way to go about it).
Court Mods
8 years ago
Court Mods
8 years ago
Starts on the 24th and you can set up and run your heart using the Theatre as an excuse any time from the 24th to the end of the month!
8 years ago
Tristan is always/still an option for involuntary hearts if you guys want to just use that
8 years ago
I think last time there were theatre hearts a player character was used for involuntary ones too
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8 years ago
:U yes, that's true! And Leif does have a standing offer made here to go along with voluntary Theatre hearts
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8 years ago
(which is also always available, though not advertised)
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8 years ago
ANYHOO Thank you Leif! I was debating if I should add a Labyrinth option but I'm not sure if that would have resulted in heart game stuff or something else, so I may save that.
8 years ago
No problem! I'm looking forward to hearts
comfy drow cave
8 years ago
Ah whoops yeah I'd definitely been thinking of the heart as involuntary for some reason (I'm not sure what part of 'court-arranged' would make me think that lol) but I can wave whatever
8 years ago
I took advantage of Tristan's help recently. Thank you Tristan.
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8 years ago
late work-day bump for this!
comfy drow cave
8 years ago
Yo! No pressure, just making plans, since the info post hasn't gone up yet, just confirming if it's still planned for hearts to kick off today? <3
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8 years ago
Yes it is! I'll be getting the IC post up this evening and have a OOC post for interest or planning up since people are free to start hearts any time until the challenge switch over using this Theatre prompt
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8 years ago
Obvs people are absolutely free to gather their own interest on whatever platform in the meantime
comfy drow cave
8 years ago
Ok cool, thanks! I wasn't sure when today it'd be so that does help plan my day ty ty
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8 years ago
o7 NP, thanks for understanding!
popoto pancake will
8 years ago
there be some info for people who don't know what hearts are...?
popoto pancake
8 years ago
i know there are a few people in court who never had experience w sabra/aather/etc
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8 years ago
Yeah, I was thinking about this too, but I haven't been able to gather some good info posts/examples yet and I'm not sure where or if they exist. If it's ok, I'll look into it and try to get back to you with
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8 years ago
some resources once the rest of it is set up!
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8 years ago
(or just make a plurk for explanations later if I can't find anything comprehensive)
popoto pancake
8 years ago
i'm sure that'd be helpful for people emberlina nekomiao
comfy drow cave
8 years ago
I keep a list of heart games I've run and their writeups, but my heartgames tend to be more involved than they need to so I'm not sure if it'd be helpful
comfy drow cave
8 years ago
But if people would find it helpful it's here. My Aather Rolo (1.0) heartgame writeup also starts with a sort of rundown of how I plan them, but again, how I do them
comfy drow cave is
8 years ago
probably needlessly complicated. But there may be ideas people can mine from that if they want
comfy drow cave
8 years ago
either way tho the heart runs themselves are probably a fairly good look at what people DO in heart games and how they tend to interact and how big is too big etc
comfy drow cave
8 years ago
(or how small is too small, Kanji's was way too small for a 5 hour timeslot)
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8 years ago
OK, and I actually just found a guide written up for Aather about the stuff that makes up a Heart Game overclocked | HEART GAMES
comfy drow cave
8 years ago
Oh good!!
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8 years ago
FULL HEART GAMES can be kind of ambitious! So in this event there's the option to just do one "room" or aspect of a character, but yeah that guide is a good place to start
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8 years ago
Exploring the Unconscious - Google Docs I also found a guide Aviy wrote for a different take on a similar 'explore your character's psyche' concept.
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
All the game-specific rules on these write ups don't really carry over, so mostly just pay attention to the how-to-build parts and what aspects can be added to represent parts of your character
8 years ago
OH like disgaea
8 years ago
yes this makes sense. text based disgaea heart game but yes sounds very intense to run one
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8 years ago
Disgaea was the original inspiration, yeah! For the event in Court you can feel free to scale it down.
8 years ago is bad...
8 years ago
I really want to try.
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8 years ago
I totally encourage people to give it a shot!
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