Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
Sending your kid off to school picture day. When he's supposed to do painting in art class. And it's going to be 90 degrees. And all you can do is hope for the best. #justmomthings
latest #17
Louis LaRey
8 years ago
Well, hopefully they work out.
Louis LaRey
8 years ago
Idk if that's better or worse than forgetting that it's picture day. On the day you were lazy and pretty much just finger combed their hair.
tell him to put warrior paint on if painting is before pictures
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
I'm sure he'll look cute regardless. But still, it feels like he has potentially messy things every time he's supposed to look nice.
8 years ago
eh kids are messy regardless pff I've had my brother's picture taken randomly and his shirt was covered in (dirt? chocolate? mysteries) things and he looked adorable and cute anyway
8 years ago
obviously he went with a clean shirt but... that didn't last long
Louis LaRey
8 years ago
It never does with children
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
...honestly, I'm surprised he wasn't begging to wear his bow tie and/or lab coat to school for it.
8 years ago
he has a lab coat awww
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
He does! He got it for Christmas last year after being very disappointed he didn't get one for his birthday.
Louis LaRey
8 years ago
OMG cutie
8 years ago
8 years ago
Man, I remember my first lab coat.... (it got set on fire. don't ask. untied long hair in a chem lab is a bad idea)
8 years ago
8 years ago
I either forgot about Jada's out was m not informed. I guess a hoodie is okay. :-)
Elf of the Sun
8 years ago
He stole the science fair, let me tell you. But if nothing else, there's always Retake Day.
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