歐洲議會主席:英國首相"可能"於明年(2017)初發動脫歐 - 衛報
Donald Tusk says Brexit talks 'likely' early 2017 after...
歐洲執行委員會主席:公投結果不意外 這是40年來關於歐盟的謊言害的
Brexit vote not surprising after years of lies about EU, says Jea...
#Brexit英國脫歐公投後續 #里斯本條款第50條 #歐盟
latest #32
Brexit vote not surprising after years of lies about EU, says Jea...
Boris Johnson says UK aims to trigger Brexit process in early 2017
UK aims to trigger Brexit process in early 2017, says Boris Johns...
Brexit: Theresa May to trigger article 50 by end of March 2017 | Politics | The Guardian
中午原標題:Theresa May to propose 'great repeal' bill to unwind EU laws
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