Comment here and I'll tell you what I like about our CR!
latest #35
7 years ago
☼ zinnia
7 years ago
7 years ago
we dont have much but tell me of what we do have
7 years ago
7 years ago
Stab or swallow
7 years ago
We don't have a lot yet, but why not.
litshard: I love the MEAT to your prose and how much thought and how much realistic thought you put into a scene. Like taking factors into consideration and being Real about stuff.
guardblade: I love the easy comfortable friendships that we have in our CR. Even the ones that could go shippy are still friends too.
omnomivore: I feel like our characters are the kind of old friends who don't necessarily talk all the time but when they do start up again, it's like no time passed in the middle.
7 years ago
(heart) Aww. Thank you!
Isonen: I love how easily our characters tend to just slide into things and the fun of the dialogue. That we feel comfortable extending out and playing with crosscanon etc.
7 years ago
chromologue: Both of the characters we play are nice comfy friend types who love and give affection easily but that doesn't mean the affection is shallow or meaningless. And I love the care between them
Ygranependragon: ALL THE THINGS. But mostly that we can just fly off into anything and the other's like 'hey that gave me MORE ideas'
azremodehar: MY CO-QUEEN OF CROSSCANON MADNESS. We can fit any two universes together and make it awesome.
shihandai: You're up for trying stuff and tossing yourself into lots of stuff and given that my brain runs off in all manner of directions often enough, that's lovely.
anstaar: Every thread with you is a joy but the best thing is that I never know where a thread might go. It's always throwing things together and delightfully surprised
/clinghugs <3 Yes, all of this. It's always so much fun to see what happens and so far we've had a hell of a success rate XD
7 years ago
Awww that's lovely and very apt <3
Stab or swallow
7 years ago
I like seeing what works
chiefbeef: ALL of our CR is just INTENSE and DEEPLY EMOTIONAL and every tag hits like a fist to the solar plexus
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
i know we have just started but!
☼ zinnia
7 years ago
aw thank you!! I'm glad they're slipping into comfortable friendships too ;; all our combinations have been so so great
voxmyriad: IT IS ALWAYS FUN and you ship all the things with me.
fiercebadrabbit: UNEXPECTED THINGS. And weird feels that sneak up on me. And interesting conversations
platoapproved: OMG Cisco is such a good FRIEND type person and I <3 them trying to figure out the preboot vs the DCTV lols
7 years ago
Yes I always ship all the things
7 years ago
7 years ago
milanobutterfly: That' we're both so EXCITED but also so patient. Like, I've definitely enjoyed the slow burn but I'm definitely INTO IT and omg I owe you a tag but you know what I mean
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