latest #24
holy shit this
I was feeling all amazonian
that's pretty much all I've done all morning
because SLAMMED
but at least I can like... handcard and fiddle
7 years ago
experimenting with ply and twist?
7 years ago
also, PUNIS!
7 years ago
aka rolags.
7 years ago
which is also a fun word to say.
underwoodno5: yup and different methods
some are carding, some are coming
some are this brazilian wool and the other is some cormo
that I think needed to be scoured better
7 years ago
mmm spinning in the grease (and... uh... other stuff)
7 years ago
are you on the electric? how do you count turns with the electric, btw?
underwoodno5: cormo's a little TOO greasy for it
and it's very very fine/delicate so just sticks like a mofo
and I'm on the sidekick at the moment
sidekick is my friend during work since it stops when I pull my feet away
7 years ago
mrr. well, you're getting a nice range. yay learning new materials!
7 years ago
Yay sidekick! Boo Plurk for not updating. wtf plurk.
oh my weekend should be interesting
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