Oh I meant to have an OOC note. XD
Someday I'll post something and not have to edit it
I don't know when that IS
so this text post is only accessible via Sophia's journals and not the normal network?
Okay. not that it matters much for me, since only playing Aqua, but nice to have that clarified
are there any journal slots still available?
I kind of missed the whole thing because I didn't know when people were going to be back and I got busy with school orz
As far as I know, no one is using Roxas' and Demyx has two.
Everyone else it's up to them
I don't think Mikado knows Roxas does he? /headtilts
Sigh.. no
Just swipe Demyx's from Masaki
I can't play with myself.
oh yeah I guess he could take it off his gf
Don't even comment on that
Aqua's only using hers, no one else is yet
Nah has an open spot. She's just showing herse to Lucina right now.
I'll have Mikado use Demyx's since he knows him and there's an easy in for it, but HEY OTHER PEOPLE COME CLAIM THESE SLOTS AND PLAY
Taking liberties with his journal and his boyfriend
no really he doesn't care about the journal 
It's okay, he loves you, DEmyx. He's gonna give you all the love too.
is it one request per person? or per journal..
Masaki was using Demyx's, right?
I believe so, since she was the only one using the journal
But you can fight it out?
I think she wants to poll the community, if she can convince Demyx to do so
No, her using it is fine! I just wanted to be sure it was being used!
Honestly I think right after returning Mikado would rather not have to make any lasting decisions
BaDandy did anyone take up Giorno's other slots?
Espio votes we get chickens
.....I think I'm down for this. Except chickens need water and a decent ground to live on and food etc for their little bellies
They wouldn't just need chickens they'd need a chicken coop that's continuously supplied with chicken things
I do believe chickens are omnivores. So bug hunters can help \o/
Also cleaning the water may be a good request...
Nah's aiming to try and turn some of the sand (or all of it, if possible) into actual soil they can grow stuff in, since right now all they have is the greenhouse.
Combine that with clean water and maybe someone wishing for some seeds, and the whole crop thing might actually take off.