Virgil has received like 3/6 inscriptions and was told about others so
he'd already kinda deduced within his first thread what was.. going on...
and then rin gave him an inscription and he put kinda the last pieces together. so it's like??? i can turn in but that feels v. cheaty even if it was long before looking at all clues and going off of syntax
BUT IT'S NOT LIKE HE HAS OTHER STUFF TO LIKE... win with... because he refused so would it matter???
Keith will totally show him all his items if that helps
IT WOULD HELP Y. at least for me bcause like i know with the clues he ended up with the conclusion he would reach is everything but like final destination and even then he quizzed people on the
rooms they were in because he knew set up was important? so like even if icly he reasoned through everything openly i'm like...A GENIUS IS TOO GODMODDY.
hence why i'm v. reluctant to have him make open deductions about characters unless okayed
yeah I can understand that!
;u; i've tried being careful about his ideas coming only from the facts before him at the time, too, and i think that's been okay i'm just like
promise i'm not trying to be godmoddy my character...just figures a lot of things out in seconds... sobs...
so i try not to be immediate and be careful with it
I have to work so I can't tag more for a few hours but for purposes of turn in, you can assume Keith tells him like
how he found the plaque and locket, and he'll tell him about the oven rack and lighter from touching Bakugou's as well
yes good, ty. he's had amane's lighter at least
Keith at least has realised rhat the important part of the plaque is how they switched names because that's. not confusing at all.
haha yeah virgil actually kinda figured that was gonna happen between his and rin's clues
because both were possessive and discussed keeping the other and he was like
y...yeah that's not creepy at all