cradle project
8 years ago
latest #37
8 years ago
I'm going to write up something more detailed later since I'm kind of drained right now but
8 years ago
In fairness I did know about a lot of these OOC issues going on just from chatting with Alli and Cappy about stuff throughout the game,
8 years ago
but from my perspective I feel like all three of you guys did a really good job
8 years ago
I read what you wrote Xander and I think you're being way, way too harsh on yourself
8 years ago
there were some issues but this type of game is so much goddamn work. i know from experience.
8 years ago
it never goes off without a hitch, trials never happen without mistakes, and it's impossible to mod one without having to change things that are not working
8 years ago
IMO you guys were incredibly, incredibly generous with trying to make the metaplot work and hand out fun things to do to everyone that wanted it
8 years ago
even though you guys were dead tired and neither of you signed up for a job as big and intense as this wound up being
8 years ago
i knew cappy and had modded with her before this game, but i didn't know xander at all and i found you super professional and easy to talk to and discuss things with
8 years ago
i get it if you don't want to mod again but tbh i would play in another game run by you guys in a heartbeat, taking into account the lessons learned
8 years ago
the first game cappy and i modded together was fun but had a LOT of flaws too, and we learned from it and built some games that were much better
8 years ago
so yeah i just wanted to say that b/c even if things weren't perfect i have a lot of respect and appreciation for how many really cool and fun things you guys pulled off in pretty tough circumstances
8 years ago
that's not to imply that the criticisms are invalid but i think they can exist without any of you being blamed or anyone being personally angry with you guys
8 years ago
ahh thank you siz! i really appreciate that. i think ultimately my performance wasn't up to snuff for myself, if that makes sense. but i'll admit i can be a perfectionist.
8 years ago
i'm glad you had fun, and i hope everyone had at least some fun. if not, that's what this is for
8 years ago
i also really do appreciate you saying all this, it's nice to hear that you can see we really did what we could with what we had. thank you
human disaster
8 years ago
thanks for putting the post up guys
8 years ago
thank you for this! and yes i totally agree regarding xander being too harsh on herself HAHA i told you this in our private plurk but xander you did fantastic
8 years ago
especially as a first time mod
human disaster
8 years ago
also thirding siz's sentiment but i told you that in private xander
8 years ago
UGH you guys are too nice to me. be mean. i want to cry for the right reasons
8 years ago
no but thank you guys, i really do appreciate it
8 years ago
yeah for sure, I'm so glad I could help out and was helpful to you guys! You both put in so much work and I definitely had a ton of un
8 years ago
8 years ago
thanks for getting this up and being so open with us!!! i really can't thank the modteam enough for all the effort they put into the game, you're all absolute delights ♥
8 years ago
ugh i knew there was something i forgot -- alli you were incredible, thank you for your help
8 years ago
and thank you guys. you were really the reason we held out! as long as you guys had fun, really, it was worth it
It's Nick
8 years ago
I have to agree that you may be too hard on yourself, Ms. Xander, but at the same time, from what I noticed and the little I know, your criticisms to the pacing and the orchestrating of some parts of the plot
It's Nick
8 years ago
seem accurate to me
It's Nick
8 years ago
I did feel there was something off about endgame, but I couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was...but yeah, that post did explain it
It's Nick
8 years ago
But yeah, I don't think you did as badly as you think you did!
8 years ago
thank you for being honest, nick! i really do appreciate that
8 years ago
it's helpful to know how obvious these things were, and speaking up and saying that is something i really, seriously appreciate
akira ✩ deto
8 years ago
aw I agree with what everyone else has said! you're too hard on yourself!
akira ✩ deto
8 years ago
ty for putting up this post guys!
8 years ago
no, thank you for putting up with us!
echoing everyone, thank you for this post guys and for being honest with us
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