8 years ago
Well, Rey and I are off to Wizard World Con shortly. Rey's Max cosplay is done enough to wear, but...
latest #9
8 years ago
my Furiosa arm didn't get finished. So I will not be in costume.
8 years ago
On the one hand, I was intimidated by the idea of cosplaying at an actual con, so it's a relief. On the other hand, if Rey ends up fraternizing with other Furiosas I may get jealous.
8 years ago
It will be a moot point later on, because we will be finishing my costume for Halloween and subsequent use, but everyone wish me luck not picking fights with Furiosa? >_>
8 years ago
But I'm wearing a Courtney Crumrin t-shirt, so I have that going for me.
pewpew angels
8 years ago
I hope you have fun!
8 years ago
I saw the pictures of Ray's Max muzzle on Facebook - amazing!
8 years ago
Rey, sorry. Silly autocorrect. :\
Have funnn!
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