Francis was
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pretty pleased with the way the night was going. His paintings were on display in one of the largest galleries in the city, the party held for the opening night was full of socialites, and he already had three
latest #336
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promised buyers interested in his works. Not that he really needed the money, he mused to himself with a wry grin. Francis gets swept away from his thoughts and into conversations easily though, clearly
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enjoying himself.
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Had managed to get this job through an American friend he had met his first week of university. He'd been lucky considering there was no way his scholarships would pay
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for it all. He was dressed as a waiter and he was currently serving flutes of champagne but the place was so crowded it was hard to keep the guests
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from bumping into him which meant the accident that was about to happen could not be avoided. One champagne flute slips of his tray and spills all over one of the finely dressed men.
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looks horrified and he's already turning the flute up and taking the cloth serviette in his apron to try and damp at the man's suite. "M-my apologies sir..."
Francis is
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in the middle of an engaging conversation in which he had heard the story being told a thousand times before, when the sudden feeling of chilled liquid pouring down his back causes him to give the most
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indignant yelp. "Dieu!" he exclaims, looking over his shoulder with a frown and ready to call out whomever had done this... but voice hesitating when he sees the panicked face of the young blonde already
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dabbing at his expensive shirt. It's a split second later that he realises how ineffective the napkin he was using to be, and he turns and takes the boy's wrist. "Stop, stop. There's no saving it now," he
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replies, glancing at the tray being held precariously in his other hand. Well, at least champagne flutes didn't hold very much.
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's cheeks flush when his wrist is grabbed and he glances down at the shorter male in clear embarrassment. He was usually so careful. He knew he wouldn't be able to pay the man back for that...but perhaps for
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dry cleaning? "I..I can get that dry cleaned for you...but I doubt I could afford another."
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studies the boy's face for a moment, noting the embarrassment and the blush... oh. Oh he was cute. But so young... he couldn't be more than a year or two into university. "Non, non," he starts, a plan occurring
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to him as he releases the boys wrist with a soft apology. "I wouldn't make you buy me a new shirt, if you're working here than you likely would faint at the price tag," he laughs. He could hear the conversation
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finally resuming behind him, glad the nosy friends he had at least had the decency to pretend they weren't watching. "This gallery is fairly crowded, an accident was inevitable. The endearing blush on your .
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cheeks, however, almost makes up for the drink down my back," he grins
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's flush darkens and he almost looks offended by the man's words. It was clear he was teasing him. "Almost? Did you want to talk to my manager...?"
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can't help but grin a little more at the look the boy gives him, chuckling softly. "Non, I will bother Chelsea later, but not about this." He hums softly as he pulls out a business card from his pocket- well
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prepared to network tonight since this was his event- and scribbles down an address and time. "You're not in trouble, monsieur... ah, what was your name again?" he pauses in his thought, glancing to the boy.
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adjusts the tray of flutes as he takes the business card being given to him. He reads the address and time and quirks a brow as he
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looks at Francis in slight confusion. It takes him a moment to answer the question. "I never said...but it's Ludwig Beilschmidt." -
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was about to ask the man's name...but it was already on the card. "Ah..." He's staring at the business card again. "Can I get back to work?"
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laughs a little at the confusion. "Ludwig," he repeats to confirm. "You're not in trouble, but if you still feel the need to apologize to me... I would rather appreciate it if you met me here tomorrow," he
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finishes a little conspiratorially, motioning to the card and tucking his pen away. He can tell the boy is uncomfortable now, so he nods with a smile. "Of course. Do be careful for the rest of the night though,
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we've barely even started," he winks, stepping back to let the boy free.
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tries to keep his flush from darkening and he manages to hide it by bowing his head before making his escape. However, most of the night he can't help his attention
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shifting back to the blond Frenchman.
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grins to himself as he watches the younger blonde dart away, pleased to think he might actually show up tomorrow. He then busies himself with texting someone to bring him a new shirt before going
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back to his friends, apologizing for the interruption.
He relaxes again after he's changed into a new shirt and can't feel the stickiness of wet fabric clinging to him anymore, and is back to being his usual
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social butterfly self for the rest of the night. He does however keep noticing the young waiter, and he can't help himself but toss flirtatious glances in his direction, at one point teasing a bit by raising
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a flute of champagne and winking. He relished in the reactions each time.
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was glad that the night was over...and that he could go home to his dorm and not deal with the wayward Frenchman or his embarrassing
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slip up. He is studying the card he'd been given and begrudgingly decides that he should probably go to try and repay the man for his ruined shirt. Gilbert would be
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horrified to know if he didn't try to mend things. So, when the time rolls around Ludwig is waiting outside of some restaurant dressed in nearly the same way he had been
8 years ago slacks, a white button up tucked in and his apron held in his hand. He assumed that was written on the card probably wanted him to work at...his restaurant, was what he assumed
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this place was, to make up for what had happened yesterday.
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shows up a few minutes late of course, though not too much so this time so as not to scare the kid off. He grins as he approaches the restaurant and spots him, pleased that Ludwig would have actually
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come, though he does indeed notice the outfit and apron in hand. "Bonjour Ludwig!" he greets with a charming smile, stretching his hand out for a handshake, but instead taking Ludwig's hand and kissing the
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back of it with a cheeky smile instead. "I'm so pleased you came."
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was sure he was getting a lot of stares since he didn't really look as if he should be loitering outside of this high end restaurant. When he hears the familiar French accent he glances at the
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man only to flush darkly when he has is taken and kissed. He jerks his hand back and frowns at the man. "I wanted to make things right..." He says his cheeks still hot from the embarrassing
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hand kiss.
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enjoys that blush, especially with the startled look on the boy's face. Oh he was fun to tease. "Oui! And we shall enjoy ourselves for it," he hums, stepping over to open the door into the restaurant for
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Ludwig. "I do wish you had worn something nicer though," he laments teasingly. "But you won't be needing that apron."
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quirks a brow at what had been said. "Will I be working as host...of the restaurant?" Clearly he hadn't understood that Francis wanted to take him out.
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blinks at the reply, before laughing softly, shaking his head. "What? Non, non. I am taking you to dinner," he laughs, following Ludwig into the restaurant and greeting the host, informing
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her of the reservation.
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's cheeks flush again and he looks at a loss for words. His brows are knitting together in confusion. "But...why? I ruined your shirt? This makes no sense."
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laughs, waving it off. "It's not ruined, I sent it to the cleaner this morning," he answers. "Really, I suppose I should apologize for not having made myself clear," he muses, smiling up at him. "If you wish to
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leave I'm not going to stop you. But it is my treat if you stay," he winks.
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feels like he should of...he wouldn't have showed up in principal...but here he was awkwardly following Francis to their table. Was it too late to walk out? -
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pauses because...he hadn't had very much for good food. "This is merely a formality." He says as he takes a seat.
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wouldn't have been surprised if he had turned heel... heck, he didn't even know if they boy was interested in him, he was just going off of the embarrassed glances he had gotten afterwards. "Of course, of
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course," he smiles as he too sits. Trust a college student to stay for free food.
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eyes him suspiciously before he's picking up the menu that had been deposited gently for them. He almost didn't want to look at the prices because this was well out of his price range. "Are you sure about
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this? This seems very unconventional. You know nothing of me besides the fact that I work at the gallery showcasing your art."
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already knows what he wants to order, so he's not bothered by looking through the menu. He does notice the suspicious look, laughing a little as he pretended to ponder it. "Well, I know you've very
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attractive, and that your blush is adorable," he hums, meeting Ludwig's eyes with a flirty grin. "And that you kept watching me last night~"
Ludwig hates
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that he uses the menu to hide his was even spreading to his ears...he could feel it. Gott....this man was insufferable, he should have just left when he was given the opportunity. He does eye a
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steak that didn't seem too expensive so he decides on that before placing the menu down. "Well, I do believe you were also watching me."
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|Ludwig might want to add shameless to his description, really. "Oui, I was. But I hope by now I've made my intent clear," he smiles. When the waitress comes back he orders them a bottle of high end
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champagne as well as his meal, before offering Ludwig the chance to order.
Ludwig is
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flushing by the time the waitress arrives but he does manage to order his meal before his lips are thinning. "I hope you realise this is only a one time thing. I...I don't date nor do I want too." -
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barely had time considering he had to work and study.
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hums at that comment, looking a little surprised but confidence hardly shaken. "You don't date?" he asks curiously. "A young man in the prime of his life, and you don't want to explore it?"
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shakes his head. "I do not. You heard me correctly." He says but then pauses when Francis adds the next part. "I...I don't have time to explore. I have to work and go to school. This hardly allows me much free
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time..." Plus the rest of his free time went to working out because that was something he dimmed really important for himself.
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hums pursing his lips a bit in thought. "But that's what school is for, going out, having fun, making new friends..." obviously he had had a much different school life that Ludwig did.
Ludwig was
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realising that they certainly did have a very different view of school life. He looked a little irritated by this fact. "I must maintain certain grades to keep the few scholarships I do I can pay
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this enormous tuition. To offset the rest of those costs...I work. So between working and leaves me with very little time."
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| "You need a vacation," he replies, though the school year had only just begun really. "But a scholarship kid huh? You must be very intelligent or very talented then."
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does flush at that remark. "Or lucky." He didn't have a high view of himself sometimes.
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laughs a little at that, shaking his head. "Nonsense, you're too busy to even have fun, you're over-working to accomplish things." He smiles as the waiter brings their champagne and pours them each a glass,
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leaving the bottle in an ice bucket before leaving them again. "If you ever want a break, I'd be happy to provide distraction," he winks with a teasing grin.
Ludwig gives
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him an unimpressed look. "I haven't turned you off of me?" He seemed genuinely surprised by this.
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laughs. "You're fun to try and tease those blushes out of," he admits happily.
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reaches for his champagne and tries to keep his flushes at bay as he sips from it. "You're a very strange man."
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grins at that, but shrugs. "I know how to enjoy myself," he says, emphasizing the 'I'.
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humphs as he places his class down. He didn't want to say anything out of place so he chooses silence. He feels that Francis probably came by his wealth through family...which meant struggling for something
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better was not something Francis understood.
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had definitely come by his extravagant life the easy way- he did try sometimes to stay grounded but his perception of reality was definitely biased. He's content to move on to less embarrassing topics and
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general small talk, their meals coming soon enough to hopefully dispell any awkwardness Ludwig felt.
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felt a lot of awkwardness. He'd never been conned into a dinner date before...and by an older man nonetheless. It was embarrassing enough spilling champagne on someone but to have that same person take them to
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an expensive dinner. Well, Ludwig was just happy when the food meant he didn't have to talk.
Francis is
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content to keep up the conversation at a slower pace during dinner, not about to let it slip into awkward silence of course, and well trained in the art of small talk. He babbles a bit about how the show
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had gone and such.
Ludwig was
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...slightly interested...and he can't help take part in the small talk. They were never questions that were super invasive...very superficial and easy to come up with answers. When it reaches the end of the
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dinner Ludwig feels a little awkward again now that it was time to pay. "I...feel a little bad that you're paying for such an expensive meal." He knew he couldn't really afford it but he wanted to be honest
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with Francis.
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had noticed Ludwig didn't much want to talk about himself, and he was still trying to woo the boy over so... he keeps it shallow and pleasant and only pokes a little at getting to know him more. He laughs a
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little at the protest though, shaking his head. "I already told you, my treat," he smiles. "I wouldn't have chosen this restaurant otherwise," he reassures him. And really, when the bill comes he pays by
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cash. "I've had a lovely time, Monsieur Ludwig," he smiles over at him. "I do hope my invite out didn't inconvenience you too much," he adds, wondering if the boy still regretted coming.
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sighs softly. " didn't." He gets out his flush returning. " was probably a break that I needed." He wasn't going to be a complete downer. Francis' company had not been unpleasant. "I guess this is
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it...then..." He wasn't sure what to say or if they should see each other again.
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smiles happily at the admittance, pleased to see the blush return. "Well, you have my number now," he points out helpfully- since it had been listed on his card. "But I don't have yours. So the ball is in your
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court for that one, mon cher. I would certainly enjoy seeing you again- perhaps the next time we could go shopping, or see a show, or whichever thing you would like to do." He rather wanted to take the boy
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shopping, honestly... the clothes he was currently wearing may not have seemed to bad to the untrained eye but the quality of them really made Francis want to buy him something nicer.
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quirks a brow. "I hardly have money to go shopping...perhaps a cheap show..." Because he was under the assumption they were going to split the cost as was customary in Germany.
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laughs again, shaking his head. "Ah, non. Let me clarify. Please let /me/ take you shopping, that department store shirt of yours is making me itch just looking at it," he teases.
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flushes. "I...I can't accept that. You realise I won't be able to pay you back in a very long time."
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hums fondly. The more the boy protested to being treated, the more Francis wanted to lather him in gifts. "I'm not asking you to pay me back," he shakes his head with a grin. "But if you really wanted to, you
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could always sit as a model for a painting," he muses, eyes glancing briefly at Ludwig's chest before back up to his eyes.
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didn't know how to handle this man. He's glad they are out of the restaurant at this point. "I...I'm not sure about that. I would have to think about it." He's glancing behind him. "I need to go...I have
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classes in the morning..." He was so bad at this. "Thank you for the dinner...I appreciate it despite not deserving it." Ludwig is backing away before he turns and makes a bit of a break for it (mostly by
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striding very quickly down the sidewalk).
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could tell the boy is overwhelmed; it was part of why he didn't ask for his number. He'd let the other decide if he wanted to see Francis again... mostly. "I highly enjoyed our time together, Monsieur
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Ludwig. I do hope you will call me again soon~" he manages, before the young man is close to bolting. Francis truly hoped he would see that ass again.
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doesn't call...he can't bring himself to do so...the Frenchman had been very interesting but he really didn't have time. However, this day he does decide to go
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On a walk through the enjoy.
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had been hoping to hear back from him, but after about a week with no call.. well, perhaps the young man really hadn't been interested at all. He's out and about shopping out of boredom though, when
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he spots the familiar blonde in... one of the most high end shopping areas of the city. It was official, this is destiny, he decides. With a grin he walks towards him, greeting him with no shame. "Ludwig,
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mon cher! And here I thought perhaps I had seen the last of you~" he greets with a grin, swooping up the boy's hand and placing a kiss on it before he could react. "A pleasure, as always."
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didn't understand why Francis thought that was necessary. He pulls his hand back cheeks flushed and incredulous that he ran into the man
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Here of all places! Then again, maybe he shouldn't be so surprised...this would be a place Francis would frequent. "It seems we find ourselves in company...
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Once again."
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would say that his reaction is the exact reason he found it necessary! "Mm oui, in one of the fanciest shopping districts in the city. Perhaps you were subconsciously hoping to run into me again~? " he teases.
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's cheeks darken. "I was actual,y just going on a walk." He admits because although he had thought of the Frenchman...he had not been thinking about him at that moment.
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hums in playful doubt at that. "Well, perhaps since you're here, would you like to hang out again?" he asks with a smile.
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looks unsure but at the smile Ludwig is slowly caving. "Well....I can spare an hour..." At least today he was wearing nicer clothes...or at least nicer looking clothes.
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looks pleased that he agrees, stepping aside so that they could continue walking. “Ah bon! I thought perhaps I had scared you off last time,” he hums, noting that what Ludwig was wearing today at least was
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somewhat nicer than his waiter outfit... but Francis knew he could do better. "I love this length of street though, it has the best shops."
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doesn't want to say that he kind of had...but since they were together right now...he would just make the best of it he supposes. "I wouldn't know but I will take your
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word for it." He says simply as he keeps pace with Francis slower walking style.
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.is happy in his blissful ignorance.. or maybe willful ignorance. "You've not come down here at all before?" he asks. Even if he couldn't afford it, how could he resist window shopping!
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shakes his head. "No, I have absolutely no need to." He says. "I know by the looks of these stores that walking in will probably cost me money."
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tsks. "That is what shopping is, really," he laughs, noting they were passing one of his favourite clothing stores and leading the boy inside. "But at least you get nice things out of it."
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Sighs as he's dragged into a store. "Is that why you like shopping then? The nice things?"
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.gives him a funny look. "Of course, what's not to like about that?" he answers, almost incredulous at the question. He greets the shopkeeper and spots things he wants Ludwig to try on almost right
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away. "Hmmm. What's your size?" he asks, picking up a blazer and comparing it the taller boy's frame.
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quirks a brow at the question. "Depends on the make...but if we're doing general...a large..."
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pauses. "Why?"
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nods in agreement to the statement, putting the medium back and pulling out a large instead, draping it over his arm delicately before continuing further in. "Because I want to see what you look like
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in Hugo Boss, of course," he answers, picking out a few more things, clearly putting together an outfit.
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looks alarmed. "N-nein...I mean I can't try these on." But he's clearly not stopping Francis from picking out clothes.
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laughs, shaking his head as he picks up a few more things to test, clearly in his element here. "Nonsense! You'll look fabulous in them," he assures him.
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is watching him grab more things. He should have ran away..but he doesn't strays far from the Frenchman...the store clerks were making him feel uncomfortable.
Francis has
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the exact opposite reaction to the store clerk, knowing theyre just doing their job and looking for a sale. He steps up to one, requesting a change room and handing off the clothes, motioning Ludwig to follow.
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looks a little lost when he's motioned to follow the store clerk. Said clerk motions at him a little more aggressively and so he ends up following them into
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a change room. "Do I have to try all of these things?"
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smiles at him reassuringly. "If you truly object to anything I've picked out, I won't force you. But oui, please."
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sighs as he undresses and pulls on the first outfit. His cheeks are flushed and he steps out do Francis can evaluate it.
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leans against the wall of the room as he waits, feeling his breath catch in his throat for a moment when Ludwig steps out. Oh, he had been very, very right about him needing to wear designer. He has to
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pretend as if he's not immediately in love though, inspecting Ludwig with a grin. "Hmm yes, I think this is already a marked improvement for date nights," he teases with a wink.
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's flush spreads to his ears. The outfit fit really well and felt good but he didn't want to admit that. "Date nights?!" His flush is darkening.
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"Oui, I told you! You should get out there and have fun from time to time... and it'll be far easier to impress your date with this, rather than your waiter's clothes," he grins teasingly.
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| That had been embarrassing. "I'll go try the next thing on..." He mutters as he steps back in and changes, only coming out when he's completely changed. This was
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also a nice outfit. Francis had good taste.
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smirks to himself, admiring the embarrassed look and his rear as he turns away, eagerly anticipating the next outfit. He's equally pleased at the second choice, stepping over this time to smooth out the
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jacket as he peers around Ludwig into the mirror. "Mm yes. This one is even better on you!"
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felt like he was in a permanent state of embarrassment around Francis. He didn't know was slightly frustrating. " a nice outfit."
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would like to convince him that was because he liked him. ;-) "You look very handsome. I think we'll take both of these," he nods in decision.
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's eyes widen. " are ridiculously expensive. I can't allow you to buy these for me."
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"What, these?" he laughs. "Nonsense, they're worth every penny. Let a friend treat you from time to time, won't you?" he replies, stepping back so Ludwig could change back to his street wear.
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does enter into the change room. "This is only our third meeting and this is more than just a treat." He points out before he's out and dressed back in his clothes. "Francis...why can't
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you see reason here...this is crazy. I could be a murderer and you're buying me Hugo Boss."
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hums at that. "Are you a murderer? I guess that would be a pretty interesting plot twist, wouldn't it." he pretends to consider... though obviously he hardly thinks Ludwig is. "Besides, if you were, I'd
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expect you wouldn't be pointing this out me to me," he hums.
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watches him closely his expression not at all pleased. "Probably not, no."
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chuckles at that response. "Then why worry?" he asks, moving into the change room to grab the approved of clothes and head towards the cash. "
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's lips thin further. "Because it's not my money. That's why I worry. I feel like strangers aren't just nice for no reason."
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pouts at him. "Ohhh, you think I'm secretly a villain then? How mean," he replies pausing momentarily in his quest to buy these clothes. "Do not worry, mon ami. I merely came on to you because I
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thought you were cute, there are no ulterior motives. I swear upon my Porsche," he smiles, raising his hand as if taking an oath.
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gives him a look. "Not a villain...just....there must be a catch." Ludwig was hardly ever lucky and for Francis to just buy him expensive't
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seem right. He was sure he didn't look that much of a charity case. " have a Porsche...." Of course he had a Porsche.
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only thought of him as a little bit of a charity case... and really that was mostly because he had been a spoiled rich brat his entire life. "No catch. Unless you want to give me your number this time," he
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winks. Francis laughs at the question though. "Oui? Is cars something that interested you, mon chou?" he asks, stepping up to the counter to purchase the clothes at last.
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was quite distracted with talk of cars. His cheeks are flushing again. "I am..studying to be a mechanical engineer. Back in Germany I used to work on cars..." Oh
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Gott....he really wanted to see this Porsche. "Could...could I see it one day?"
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grins as he glances back through the transaction and notices the blush. "Oh? Of course you can come see it," he answers, turning again to thank the shopkeeper and take the bag, stepping back so they
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could leave at last. "We could take her for a spin too, if you'd like."
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looks excited. It was a reserved type of excitement but it was evident because of how different of expression it was on his features. "Really?"
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laughs, pleased that Ludwig seemed so interested. "Oui of course! She drives like a dream, and it's been the perfect weather lately for a drive," he hums happily.
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was thrilled by the idea. "What model is she?" He's gathering the bags for Francis completely wrapped in the idea of the Porsche. He had forgotten his discomfort about the man buying him such expensive clothes.
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grins as he hands off the bags, content in his shopping now to walk down the street just chatting for the moment. "A 2012 Carrera Cabriolet. She's getting a little older now but I still love it." And it was
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red. Because of course it was.
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hums at that. "3.4L flat engine. Even with less horsepower than her sisters she still drives heavenly." Ludwig recites. He's following the man down the street to whatever store Francis
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wanted to enter next. "I can tune her up for you? If you're finding that she's slowing down." Honestly, he just wanted to get dirty with her. He wanted to study her inside
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and out. He could easily tune her up...the only reason he was at such a school was because he showed excellence in the field.
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.is impressed that he knows that off the top of his head, humming in approval. "You want to try tuning her?" he asks in amused surprise. Personally Francis knew nothing about fixing the car himself... but it
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did occur to him watching Ludwig in his element would be very, very good. "Hmm, I think I could probably let you, if you wanted to," he smirks, trying to keep his thoughts to himself.
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smiles at that, a genuine smile. "In that case I should have my number." He had been hesitant at first but for this...and the fact that Francis had just bought him expensive was
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the least he could do.
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looks surprised at both the smile and the offer, nodding and returning the smile. "Ah oui! It would make it easier," he agrees, pulling out his phone to add in a new contact and passing it to Ludwig to fill in.
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takes the phone and fills it out making sure to press to save the number before passing it back to Francis. "Are cars your hobby then?"
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thanks him, making sure it's saved before tucking it back into his pocket. "Well, certainly not as much as it is yours," he teases with a grin. "But non, not really. I enjoy driving but I am more interested
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in the creative arts than automotives," he admits.
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hums softly at that. "Only painting...or different branches of the creative arts?" There was a bit of curiosity now...and it wouldn't hurt to get to know Francis a little better.
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smiles, leading them into another store- this one full of shiny watches he wanted to browse. "I favour painting and sketching mostly, though I've enjoyed things like sculpting and textiles and other
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things," he answers happily. Not having to work for a living had left him plenty of time to explore.
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thinks that Francis is lucky for that...but it had been easy for Ludwig to fall into something he he shouldn't complain too much. "I see...I don't know much about art." He admits.
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.gives him a smile before redirecting his attention to a watch he was admiring. "That's alright, other than if you wanted to learn about the history of it, art is made for feelings." he hums in debate, setting
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down that watch to inspect another. "But.. really. I'll tell you a secret the world of art galleries doesn't like," he smiles mischievously, leaning over. "It's all bullshit. Literally every part of it," he
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laughs. Maybe not the best kept secret, but hey it was fun. "You can add any deep meaning to art if you want to, but I guarantee the painter didn't have really any deep intentions."
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chuckles softly. "I never wanted to say anything but coming from an artist. My thoughts are not misplaced then." He does glance down at Francis. -
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| "Then...your art has no deep meaning ?"
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shrugs. "Sometimes It does, but meaning more comes out when it's accidental. If you try and intentionally put any in there it just looks contrived," he answers, laughing a little. "Mostly I just paint what I
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want to paint."
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can't blame him. "I guess we are similar. I work on the cars I want to....and the machines I want to."
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nods, setting the watch back down and deciding he didn't want it. "It's much better to do what you like," he concurrs, smiling up at him. "I guess you do know how to have a little fun after all, hm?"
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quirks a brow at that. "I'm surprised you consider that fun." He's teasing the French,app an a little.
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smirks at that reply. "Oooh, and he's got a sense of humour after all. I'm learning more and more today~" he teases right back.
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flushes a bit. "Of course. I'm not that stiff."
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laughs happily, leading him back out of the store. "I'm glad! It would be a boring life to be so."
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pauses to glance down at his watch and his lips thin. "I need to go." He glances down at the bags in his hands. "Ah...are you sure about these?" His cheeks tint.
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hums a little in disappointment at that. "I suppose it has been an hour already hasn't it," he smiles. "Of course I am sure! My fashion instincts are never wrong," he winks.
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| It was clear he felt bad but he does nod. "I assume we'll be seeing each other again." He says as way of saying bye. "Have a good evening Francis." With that he gives
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Francis one last small smile before leaving.
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doesn't want him to feel bad! He smiles in return though, giving a little wave. "Have a good night as well~"
8 years ago
| Now that he had Ludwig's number, Francis had texted the boy a few times- but he had been turned down due to his over abundance of work and school. But now, a few weeks later, Francis had
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come up with a plan to pull the other blonde away from the doldrums of work again and hopefully have some fun. He had been put in charge this year of hosting an annual ball, and as he got in the rsvps
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from various people he knew, it occured to him to invite Ludwig. So he made up a special invite, claiming the party was a scholarship related event, hoping to fool Ludwig into coming. He makes sure
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to mark down the formal dress code and masquerade aspect, having managed to get Ludwig's address with a google search and a phonecall to his dorm building.
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had been really busy after his meet up with Francis. The clothes bought for him had remained hanging in his closet and it was only when he received the invite that he had bothered looking at the Hugo Boss
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suit Francis had bought him. The ball rolls around and he had gotten help from his Italian friend with his mask for the masquerade. He feels a little nervous because he didn't know anyone else
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going but because it was for his scholarship he figured it would be good to show up. He arrives at the venue on time and moves to fetch a drink so he didn't look completely lost. There was already a
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good number of people there loitering around, taking photos and enjoying themselves. At this rate Ludwig would be enjoying quite a few more drinks to make it through this evening.
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| The party was in full swing by now, people laughing and having fun, hiding behind their costumes and masks. Some were in formal wear similar to Ludwig, some were all out into a more fantastical sort
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of costume- being in the month of October led to some people highly indulging in dressing up, Francis included. He and Antonio and Arthur had agreed to dress as fancy type pirates this year, and so he was
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dressed to the nines and draped in more fabric and baubles than ever. To top it off he had pulled his hair back into a low pony tail to suit the hat, and a gold mask to hide all but the lower half of his
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face. He slips into the party, saying hello and socializing with people and welcoming them, picking up a glass of wine somewhere along the way before he finally deems it time to check in on Ludwig,the poor boy.
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((this outfit
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had found the entire experience quite awkward at the beginning...but then he had a few women and even men come over to speak with him...even buy him drinks. It wasn't as boring as he had thought and
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had even been dragged into the dance floor to dance with one particular woman. At the moment, he found himself alone sipping at his beer....quite tipsy at this point. He was so light headed but quite
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happy with everything...which was what happened when he drank. He was a happy drunk.
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.is pleased with himself when he spots first the taller blonde, and second the happy smile that was on his face.He knew that inviting him had been a good idea! Francis steps over to him with a handsome grin on,
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bowing low in introduction. "Ah bonjour monsieur! It looks like you are having a grand time already, but I was wondering if perhaps you would do me the honour of a dance?" he asks, wondering
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if Ludwig would catch on to who he is under all of this glamour.
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pauses when another approaches him and he studies him closely. It was difficult to make identifying anyone but that accent was very familiar. He finishes his drink and places it on the bar before
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slowly. "Ja...okay." He says simply as he offers this man, who he thinks is Francis, his hand.
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smiles as Ludwig agrees, leading him out to the dance floor gracefully. The music tonight was a good mix of classicaly styled pieces and songs with a good beat to them, and Francis seems to have timed
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it well to lead Ludwig into a waltz.
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blinks a bit because he thought he was going to lead but he doesn't mind. He adjusts his steps and let's the man before him lead him around the dance floor.
Francis was
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far more used to leading, plus he had been curious to see if Ludwig would try to take over or not. The hand on Ludwig's waist does seem to dip down a little lower as they dance though. "Are you having
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a good time tonight~?" he asks, looking up with a grin.
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doesn't take the lead but he does shift to pull Francis hand back up. He was tipsy but he wasn't completely gone. "Yes...considering I'm quite certain this has nothing to do with scholarships."
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laughs and lets him move his hand back up, tsking. "Oh dear, have I been found out so easily~" he hums, obviously still happy. He hadn't expected to stay mysterious for very long, really.
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's smile is mildly amused. "It took a bit of time...but you have been found out." He says. "I could have been studying, you know."
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grins at that. "You need to go out and have fun too though! A young man can't survive on studies alone~" he adds dramatically. "Besides, I saw miss Eliza pulling you out to the dance floor earlier... it's good
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to make friends, oui?" he winks.
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flushes because she had been quite attractive. "Ah...Ja, she was very insistent. She was very nice though..."
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laughs, nodding. "Oui, she gets what she wants. Did she give you her number~?"
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's flush darkens. "She" His flush spreads to his ears and the back of his neck. "My attention is...already caught."
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's grin widens in surprise at that comment, pressing them a little closer as they dance. "Oh? Anyone I know?" he teases in a low voice, wanting to see if Ludwig would admit it.
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could feel the heat rise in his cheeks. He doesn't mind the closeness...he actually likes that Francis was so forward. It took it off of him...because he knew he was awkward. -
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| "I can't say you don't."
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laughs, sensing that wouldn't get him anywhere. "Oooh, how exciting!" he replies, taking a step back to delicately twirl Ludwig around and back into his arms, before the song ends. "I think it's time
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for a drink, to celebrate," he grins.
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was so nervous all of a sudden and if he could flush more he would have. When he twirls back into Francis arms he can only nod when he's suggesting drinks. "A beer would be good."
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smiles at the little nod, releasing the larger blonde at last. "Not one for the hard liquors?" he asks, before asking the bartender for a beer and a martini for himself.
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shrugs lightly. "I don't mind them...I quite like schnapps but beer is my preferred drink...and it's not that bad here. Surprisingly."
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smiles and thanks the bartender as he delivers, handing the beer to Ludwig. "Well of course, I wouldn't allow swill beer into my home," he scoffs, before raising his glass in cheers. "Here's to a successful
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party and a good night~"
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looks a little stunned and despite raising his glass for the cheers...he can't believe he hasn't made that connection entirely. "T-this is your home?" He takes a drink of his beer but he's
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glancing around at how big it is. "Who are you really Francis?" He couldn't believe that this man was just filthy rich without some sort of connection to someone or something.
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takes a sip from his martini, laughing at the question. "I'm secretly a mob boss," he whisper-answers, winking at him before just taking another sip. "This house is probably too big for me, but it lets me host
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marvelous parties, doesn't it."
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quirks his brow. "I find that very hard to believe." Francis was hardly the type to be affiliated with the mob. "Quite lavish parties." He agrees as he continues drinking from his beer.
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laughs at the immediate denial, shrugging. "Well, I mean you're right," he grins. "The Bonnefois family's been wealthy forever, and my parents are highly successful business people," he elaborates. "I
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practically come from royalty~" he grins.
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's brows knit together...well the personality certainly had an explanation. "Lucky you." He says because his family had always been middle class at best.
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laughs happily, agreeing to that. He at least knew it came somewhat from luck, and not entirely hard work on his parent's part, at least. They stand around chatting some more before Francis is insisting
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Ludwig come meet some of his friends and aquaintences as the night goes on, keeping the drinks and conversation flowing.
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, like s loyal dog, remains at Francis side the entire night. From meeting his friends and acquaintances to having many more drinks. It was to the point
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that Ludwig was pressed close to Francis side nearly wrapped around him. "Your friends all seem nice..." He slurs lightly.
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.is a little tipsy himself, and pleasantly notices the way Ludwig kept getting closer to him as the night goes... though finding as nice as the contact was, the other was a little heavy for him to keep up in
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this state. He bids adieu to Antonio as the other parts ways to go talk to someone else, though not before giving Francis a knowing grin. Francis laughs, nudging Ludwig a little towards the direction of the
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sofa nearby. "They are pretty great. I've known Toni since we were just petit babies," he hums, manouvering them towards a nearby sofa, dropping gracefully onto it to lounge, patting the spot beside
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him. "I think my feet need a break for the moment though," he laughs a little, accent heavier the more he drinks.
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also had the same problem with his accent. It heightened the more he drank. When Francis takes a seat it takes him a second before he's trying to carefully sit down and also trying to give Francis some space. -
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| "That's quite a long time..." He gets out but much slower. Ludwig was a little to wrapped up in Francis himself.
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laughs when Ludwig tries to give him space, and purposefully wiggles himself into a more relaxed pose... where he makes sure at least their thighs are touching for the moment. He hums in answer,
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sliding his mask off his face and depositing it on the end table. "Have you had a good night, amour~?" he asks, looking back to Ludwig with a hazy smile. "You look very handsome in that suit of yours," he
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teases, sliding a hand up his arm.
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can feel Francis thigh against his own and it has him swallowing a lump...even more so when the Frenchman is pulling his mask off. Ludwig moved to do the
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same because it was quite uncomfortable. "I did...a very gut...night." He answers with a small smile. "I'm glad I came." At the mention of his suit he flushes. -
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| "You mean your suit that you lent me...because I will pay you back."
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laughs happily at the reply, shaking his head. "Non, non, absolutely not! I bought it because I wanted you to have it~" he hums hapilly, smoothing out the suit material, just wanting to keep touching
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him now that he has. "It suits you so well. An Adonis like you should be well clothed to show it off," he answers, though a mischievous grin tugs at his lips and he can't stop himself from saying, "Unless
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of course you didn't want to wear anything at all to show it off better~"
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's brows knit together and he looks quite confused with what Francis has just suggested. "I...don't understand how that would work?" He had to slow down his speech to get it out as clear as he had.
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laughs at the confused reaction, draping an arm around Ludwig's shoulders and leaning in conspiratorially. "I'm talking about showing off your body, mon chou~ Not the suit," he grins.
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's cheeks darken and he looks ridiculously embarrassed. He's not even sure how to respond to that. "I prefer wearing clothes in public..." He says simply
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chuckles and leans in to place a playful kiss on his cheek. "In private, then."
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doesn't pull away as he shivers lightly at the implication of those words. " private." He says softly as he brings up a hand to cup Francis cheek as he leans in to press a kiss to the corner of his
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lips. " want..."
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.is surprised by the hand on his cheek, but he grins at the little kiss. Instead of replying, he leans in and kisses Ludwig proper, gentle but eager in his tipsy state.
Ludwig is
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just as eager and he's kissing back enjoying the softness of Francis lips. He's tentatively tangling his fingers in Francis equally soft hair. He had wondered if it was as soft as it looked...and it was.
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hums happily and shifts to press himself closer to Ludwig when he feels the hand in his hair like that, overjoyed that the young man was being affectionate now and ready to drink it all in. He deepens the
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kiss as he uses the arm draped around him to hold him close, the other one sliding up his thigh.
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spreads his thighs a little apart as he drags his hand through Francis hair to then lay to rest on the middle of his back. He parts his lips inviting Francis to deepen it even further.
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pulls away only enough to catch a breath, sitting more upright and moving to straddle Ludwig's hips instead before pressing back against him and renewing this kiss, this time nipping at his lip playfully.
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flushes at how close they had gotten but it doesn't seem to deter him. He only tugs Francis closer and higher up on his hips as he kisses back. The nip catches him off guard
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but it doesn't deter him as he deepens the kiss.
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groans softly as he's tugged closer, pressing against him and rolling his hips agaisnt his. He smiles against Ludwig's lips and kisses him thoroughly. He seems to have forgotten that althoguh they're in
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an area off to the side, they are still very much in view of the party, however...
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does remember this and when Francis rolls his hips he pulls back flushed. "We should go...somewhere with more privacy..."
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gasps softly as Ludwig disconnects, taking a moment to realize why the request. "Mmm oui, come with me upstairs, mon amour~" he murmurs, stealing one more kiss before climbing off of him, taking Ludwig's
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hand to lead him upstairs with a sultry grin.
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tries to not make eye contact with anyone at the party. He was horribly embarrassed and he's pretty sure he caught Elizaveta staring. He's glad though...when
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he's being brought upstairs and away from watchful eyes.
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can feel eyes boring into his skull and he laughs... he'll have to apologize to Eliza later.. but really Ludwig was his, first. He grins and tugs Ludwig into a large bedroom, turning them so he could push
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Ludwig down onto the bed and try to slide his hands into the man's suit as he renewed the kiss.
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looks surprised when he's pushed onto the bed but then when Francis is on top of him he's clearly back into it. He's kissing back as he props himself up on his elbows. -
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"You...should undress me..." He murmurs against Francis lips.
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hums in agreement, grinning at him as he hands expertly start to slide open the buttons on the suit. "As you commond, mon chou," he answers, stealing another kiss before trailing his lips down to the man's jaw.
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tilts his face to the side to give Francis more access and shudders lightly at the way the man's fingers feel when it brushes accidentally with his skin.
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grins against his skin and brings his hands up to undo the dress shirt from the collar down, his mouth following the progression with little kisses and tastes of his skin. He climbs up onto the bed
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while he's doing so, nestling a knee between Ludwig's legs and pressing against him.
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arches against Francis mouth as he lets out a soft pleasured gasp. He then groans when Francis is pressing his knee against his crotch. "Shiesse..." He breathes and he's trying to shrug off his suit jacket.
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.is pleased with the reactions he's milking from him, fingers deftly undoing the rest of his shirt and helping him to shove it off with the jacket before he's also undoing Ludwig's pants, shoving them down
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enough to pull him free adn start stroking him, leaning down to claim his lips again.
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moans loudly when he's taken in hand like that and his hips jerk upwards into the touch. His next moan is muffled by Francis lips. He brings an arm around Francis shoulder as he holds onto him closely.
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moans into his mouth, dominating the kiss eagerly and stroking the boy to full hardness. After a minute he pulls back, panting softly but grinning. "Help me with my clothes now, amour~" he murmurs,
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kissing him again and hand sliding down further to tease his balls too as he strokes.
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is nodding as he slides the arm that had been around Francis shoulders down towards his chest to work the buckles off of his outfit. "What are you even
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wearing?" He pants against his lips as he fumbles with the other man's clothes.
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laughs at the question, regrettably sitting up a bit so Ludwig was able to see what he's doing. "Me n a couple of friends wanted to be fancy pirates," he answers, looking down to watch Ludwig's hands
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trying to work at the buckles. "So I could steal your heart away~" he grins, shifting to press into the hands on him.
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is also pushing to sit up as he focuses on Francis clothes despite his drunkenness. It takes him a bit of time but he manages to unbuckle it completely and push the
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offending material off of Francis shoulders. In his little victory Ludwig pulls Francis back towards him and steals another kiss as he rubs at Francis crotch through his pants.
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laughs at the lack of reaction to his cheesy pick up like, though the sound catches in his throat and turns to a moan as the man starts stroking him as well. He kisses him back insistently, quickly growing
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hard and his erection straining at the fabric of his pants. "Mmm m-mon chou scoot up the bed, take your pants off," he murmurs against his lips, though thoroughly enjoying being pushed around by Ludwig's
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strength, he really wants to fuck him now.
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figured it would be best not to react to it. At the command Ludwig does just that, he removes his pants and boxer briefs before moving up the bed. There is a
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bit of a flush on his cheeks at the realization of what they were going to get into. It was exciting if anything. "On my back?" He asks as he watches Francis closely.
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licks his lips as he watches Ludwig follow his orders, eyes raking over the now nude man in front of him. "Mm yes please," he answers, stripping himself of his own remaining clothes and climbing up
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to him, leaning over to rumage through and grab a bottle from the nightstand first. "He you ever done this before, cher?" he asks, nestling between his legs and running his hands up his thighs in appreciation.
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lays back onto his back and he spreads his thighs further apart. When Francis moves towards him he's trembling in anticipation. "I have...but not for a while..." He's taking hold of himself stroking himself
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slowly. "You'll have to...stretch me..."
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grins at the sight presented for him, making a soft needy sound in the back of his throat. "Of course," he murmurs softly, quick to slick his fingers and slide them down to rub Ludwig's entrance. He leans in
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to steal another kiss, before gently pressing a finger inside.
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releases his cock as Francis moves his slicked up fingers to rub at his entrance. He lets out a soft gasp, one that is quickly muffled by lips pressing back against his own. He cards his fingers into Francis's
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hair as he shudders when the Frenchman presses those fingers inside of him. He groans softly against his lips nipping lightly at them too when he's recovering from the initial intrusion.
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groans against his lips as he kisses him, thrusting the digit inside of him and letting Ludwig get used to the first intrustion before pressing another finger in carefully. He shivers at the nip at his lips,
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grinning playfully and returning the tease before shifting to kiss and nip at his aw and neck instead, so he can hear the boy's lovely voice as he tries to find his sweet spot.
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*his jaw and neck
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