cradle project
8 years ago
Hello, everyone! Our final post will be going up at 5pm EST, which is three hours from now.
latest #10
cradle project
8 years ago
We thought a heads up that it would be an hour earlier than usual today would be helpful. Thank you all for the fun times, and we hope endgame has been fun thus far.
8 years ago
quick clarification! when i say final post i mean final post regarding endgame - we'll have an epilogue post up in a day or two, depending on the pacing of the final endgame post!
It's Nick
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
also just curious but will there be a chance to leave feedback?
8 years ago
aha yes there is a lot the mod team wants to unpack, personally, so yes
akira ✩ deto
8 years ago
omg Lucy your dad and my mom have the same birthday! but ditto, I have work and a birthday celebration after o/
akira ✩ deto
8 years ago
happy birthday to him!!
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