Alrighty, those of you who signed up for This fun choir practice / party gather 'round!
latest #67
Public in case I've missed someone
Uh, hopefully those pings work
I am here because I am ready to discuss individually your visions and backlash from the music effects
This is how this is going to work
I will PP each of you to discuss your characters' fates.
Visions - I would prefer to hand pick these visions based upon your preferences which we'll discuss. Some of your characters are better suited to the different tasks than others
The visions fall into 3 categories
- Go DO a thing
- go FIND a thing
- So THIS is a thing...
Go do a thing - an active task that the vision tells you to do
Go find a thing - an item or items that are useful in some way or another, that the vision tells you to go find
So THIS is a thing - No action needed, but a mysterious clue as to what the future might hold
Backlash from the music effects - There is a list. If you would like to see the list, which ranges from silly to serious, let me know in the PP and I will let you see the list so you can pick
If you would rather be surprised, I will generally ask how silly/serious you would like the effect and pick from there
so it's not an entire gamble if you're worried about getting a silly one when you want serious or vice versa
If someone is missing please ping them. Also I am aware that one or two of you might be there "just for the party" but you deserve a ping anyway
I will begin the PPs later tonight.
silent stars
8 years ago
I double-checked. That's the complete list of everybody who has volunteered their character so far.
aweome - now go to bed you, sorry for the ping D:
silent stars
8 years ago
No problem! XD
silent stars
8 years ago
Good night!
I need to go be an adult for a while, guys. I'll BBL.
8 years ago
8 years ago
Vaire is available for whatever you need the resident Mom!Valie to do, including hugs for Arien narwa
8 years ago
she's probably one of the few people who COULD hug her lol
8 years ago
Arien will probably spend the next few weeks as far away from the ground as possible because Morgoth gives her the creeps
Bat Matt
8 years ago
does the bitty summoner need to come beat the crap out of someone?
8 years ago
would Arien like to help Vaire kick him in the nads
8 years ago
/teaches all the maia bad habits
Becca Stareyes
8 years ago
Bat Matt
8 years ago
do have a question. is Arien hot enough to melt adamantite?
Bat Matt
8 years ago
if not Aes may have a way to get her a marble on a more permanent basis
Bat Matt
8 years ago
adamantite casing, hollowed out fire crystal for insulation...
Bat Matt
8 years ago
basically make it into a locket
8 years ago
Yay! I am excite!
8 years ago
Woohoo! This is going to be good!
Private Plurks are incoming - Please keep in mind that if we have issues matching visions to characters, and you don't want a certain vision for whatever reason, we MIGHT have visions repeating
but hopefully not more than 1 or 2
I tried to preemtively match your characters to visions, and some of it really depends upon what you guys want to do with it
but I have general ideas
The list of Backlash effects CAN repeat, no problem
You can just pick one, unless you would like me to pick for you just for the surprise factor
Otherwise if issues come up (it's a big group D: ) we will work something out.
I forgot to mention, the backlash effects should last for a minimum of 3 days, and up to a month. You don't have to be stuck with the effect forever
OKAY I believe I have hit everyone I am supposed to hit. If you are participating and do NOT have a PP waiting for you from me, please ping me.
8 years ago
yes please vaire stop him from creeping up on her somehow
silent stars
8 years ago
And I will be posting the log as soon as everybody has had time to talk to Mark and choose a vision and pick a backlash effect. Maybe a couple of days from now?
8 years ago
narwa: /teaches her how to kuck
8 years ago
8 years ago
I've had time, just so you know. I'm ready to go whenever you are.
silent stars
8 years ago
Plurking_Horror: Which should be fairly soon!
silent stars
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
I feel like Sauron would object to Vaire kucking Morgoth
8 years ago
whatever it is but just on principle because of what it sounds like
...I can't leave you children alone for FIVE MINUTES before you're making kuck jokes.
8 years ago
silent stars
8 years ago
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