I love coming home from a nice holiday to people yelling at me and telling me who I am when the fact of the matter is they have no idea who I am
I'm sick, I'm stressed, I'm not perfect and never will be, but I'm not a bad person I made some shitty choices when I was younger but
I am no longer that person.
it kills my mood completely and all that relaxing and enjoyment and being myself is not under a fucking microscope
I'm glad no one is home so I can just CRY
like, I come back, you are in MY HOUSE as an invitation, rent you don't pay you have no right
to tell me who I am and what I think

oh darling
thank you it's just like I already came back with some crud I picked up on the ship and I already have enough to worry about than someone's opinion of me
and I can't leave but I can't go hide in my office because my home is no longer a place I can seek refuge because it's teeming with people
it's not a large place, it's a small flat that now has five people in it
two on a couch, one in the guest bedroom then our bedroom which is obviously occupied
I just want to take my dogs and leave
but I can't because I have to find my next project and going two hours south isn't gonna do me any good professionally
mentally and physically now and I just feel like I'm on edge of a nervous breakdown