no more salsa
8 years ago
[late meme] What have you learned about my characters/canons through RP?
What wild assumptions did you/your characters make about my canons as a result of imperfect Echo shenanigans?
latest #6
8 years ago
For at least a little bit, that Mana Aida was something to be afraid of.
8 years ago
then Molly destroyed all notions of that with a wrecking ball
8 years ago
Rakka is probably still under the impression that Winter and Lily's previous lives were from the same world
no more salsa
8 years ago
Ahahaha. Depending on who you ask at Toei, that's not wrong, sob.
8 years ago
Lord Nick
8 years ago
Talking plush toys are completely commonplace and nothing at all unusual.
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