throwing this under a cut here, because i'm not entirely comfortable putting this on tumblr, what with the general ... attitude towards this kind of issue
anyway. i've ended up doing some reading on avpd recently, and the more i read about it, the more i can identify with some of the behavior that is typical avpd
that said, i'm not in any way saying that i have it, because it doesn't affect me that badly when it all comes down to it.
it might very well be that it just fits to a certain degree, which i guess is the case for a lot of people? it's just that it would also make sense, because i haven't really been able to properly categorize
i guess, some of the problems i have, until now. earlier i've just chalked it up to the fact that i have anxiety and what i guess can best be described as mild depression (i may be undermining myself here)
but i've always felt as though that's not the entire story, and yeah, i don't know.
... i might just be bullshitting here, to be honest. but my point is: it's comforting in a way to know that other people have similar issues as well and that it's just not me, and more importantly that it's a
real thing. so yeah, there you go.