Tilandra says
15 years ago
UGH. I just realized last night that the fiber I've been dyeing is NOT the fiber I ordered. What the heck am I going to do?
latest #8
Tilandra says
15 years ago
I mean, they mislabeled it, so I have no way of knowing the fiber content, so I can't sell it. And I'm not sure they'll fix their error.
Tilandra says
15 years ago
All my suppliers have gone insane lately.
Nantra says
15 years ago
well, if they can tell you what it actually is, then you can sell it...
Tilandra says
15 years ago
That's what I'm hoping... they're on the west coast so I'm going to have to wait until almost noon to call them.
Smurf says
15 years ago
good luck ... I hope you can work something out!!
Tilandra says
15 years ago
yarnbeans: I definitely intend to. In fact, I may have to hold my irritation back a bit to get what I want.
Tilandra says
15 years ago
They might hang up on me if I really say what I want to, lol.
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