The Tweedles developing a legitimate thing for their little Knight and upon realizing that hitting on him would not help
As in; accompanying him to class, waiting up for him in the common room when he's out hunting, re-upping his rock salt supply, etc.
okay but Dwight's reaction
But then they get him like a rare ass unforeseen scroll on his latest creature of the week and he's like "alright, what gives?"
another reason he's so skeptical is cause Dwight doesn't really know what to do with romantic attention. He's not the kind of person people fall for or even have crushes on
so he's entirely convinced this is a giant joke. Not even because it's the Twins but because these things just don't happen to him
until senior year when all the freshman realize thier prefect is hot but crazy
I mean uh, yeah.
I swear I have a few fics around of the twins deciding to make a move on Dwight. Mari wrote a really nice one based on a to scene we did where the twins accompany Dwight on a
Road trip to find a human type evil. Then the ol'"just teens making out not teens sneaking around where they shouldn't" cherade was employed
The reason this ship really does things for me is cause we're talking about my 2 or 3?? Idk absolute favourite characters. So I get in my feelings
I mostly love dweedles for the amount of highjinxs they.could get into as a trio.
and they adore Dwight so very much that wherever he goes, they go
Some of my favourite scenes to write are Dwight and the Twins teaching one another new skills- like the twins parkour-sequel gymnatstics vs. Dwight's more practical survival skills for hunts
Also archery vs. nerf guns makes me always consider a scene at a gun range. Who has the better aim and how Floridian is Dwight?
I think I had either a Drabble or an unfinished fic where Dwight gets up early to do some archery practice before Charlie can yell at him- and the twins jump out at like 6am so he's all
"Wtf I almost shot you with an arrow, be careful" and they are "but you'd never hurt us on purpose" and he gets all grumbly
But then they tackle him and he has to get them off but begrudgingly admits they're hell creatures who could probably catch arrows midair
And then a Stuart yells "shut the fuck up it's stupidly early" so they can't continue but they all end up at breakfast with flushed faces for various reasons
artemismoon12: wait wait wait. Stop right there. Dweedles snuggling. So much snuggling. Dwight being bracketed on both sides by 6 feet of identical blonde. Yes, a good concept.
Just Dwight not being sure if the twins are hitting on him but he's starting to fall for them but doesn't feel like he can let them know because when does he ever
Fall for people? How does he know that's what this is? maybe they're succubi, aka my favourite confrontation to write love, infatuation, lust, enchantment? Gas?!

I'm so
But one day he has a bad day (think of a reason idk) and the twins notice and just hug him, and he's too tired to make a show of complaining so he just gives in, and they comfort him with a warm sandwich hug
And Dwight just thinks to himself "oh" very softly and doesn't let them see him smile into Ethan's shoulder but they notice anyway and are like "damn"
And he still puts up a show of throwing back sarcastic barbs and being sassy af bc he's Dwight and they're the twins and probably possessed- and no one notices that there isn't any actual annoyance
In thier interactions anymore so no one makes the connection that Dwight is smiling more because of them bc they are acting how they always have
And some people notice the twins flirting with Dwight but they think Dwight doesn't notice either - so it's slightly "oh poor twins hitting on a straight dude" except Todd and Han bc they know all
alright so talk to me about the first time they say I love you, whoever says it first
The twins would never want to freak Dwight out so they would say "I love you" in like the same tone as "I love pizza" but dwights the first one to say it seriously
Not a big serious situation that prompted it but just another long day and they're just Rays of sunshine in his day and he looks slightly up and says very matter of fact
"I love you two" and they get all "wait really" and he just nods and hugs them before going back to his room and they have to chase him back to smother him with love
Because they were terrified of scaring him away and it makes them so happy to know they can say it back and not be scared. Like they dive headfirst into everything but they also know limits of longtime friends
So as opposed to saying I love you at first opportunity with everyone else I think they'd read the situation with Dwight a little more cautiously.
also I think the anniversary of Alan's death he might not want them around. Like they get the feeling of having a brother, but they've still got one another so maybe just reflection with himself
I still need no one but Todd and Han to know about it inside Windsor- but the SHH and Audrey all know though. The twins got a very grave email of "hurt him and die" from Morgan.
Until of course the twins mention something about bringing "our boyfriend" to senior prom and the rest of Windsor is like "what the frick frack"
And there are typical Windsor shenanigans to try and figure it all out but then Todd wins the betting pool Han was in charge of with secret bets bc the twins get Dwight to dress up nice to be thier date
artemismoon12: of course they wouldn't know. Windsor boys for all their unfailing loyalty
and penchant for sticking their nose in people's business tend to have a lot going on
liamichanii21: yeah, there is a lot of daily drama. Honestly I'm surprised anything gets done with all the mayhem and personal shit happening.
Shane was unhappy Dwight kept him in the dark- Kurt is generally "wtf " bc Dwight was the only one in Dalton he actually thought was 100% straight
artemismoon12: exactly, everyone got 99 problems. So the one thing that's so legit in their faces, obviously they're lost
I need Wes then making all sorts of sex jokes at Dwigt's expense as soon as he realizes all the threesome jokes he's got saved can be used now.
year before he wasn't going embaress the poor girl the twins took to prom, Dwight is free game though
Wes & David constantly smirking and waggling their brows at Dwight from this point on
Dwight however is not the token straight, more the token heteroflexible/grey-ace/pan romantic mishmash.
He and Reed should start a "labels are for boxes" club. The twins would just wave a pan flag at
David and Wes would never recover, thier comedic time to mock Dwight for dating someone has come. And they can do it all in good humour be everyone is friends
Reed highkey ships it, he coos over them into Shane's shoulder all the time
LI write Dwight as sexual A LOT but like, if he's not actively involved with a person he's not going to even consider sex or sexual things. It's more about the partner(s) than just being "dat ass".
artemismoon12: I see Dwight's relative ace-ness similar to mine. Sex-neutral to positive but....there's just more pressing issues.
Reed would be good for Dwight to talk to bc he wouldn't ask for juicy sexy details, he'd want to know about the lighter fluffier side of if Dwight feels comfortable and happy
Shane would try and get "so who tops" out of Dwight if only to give him a highfive over it- but Dwight won't give him the satisfaction
Dwight ain't all about that sexy stuff, but if a person and he are all close and cuddly and shit, and they want to get down he'd be into it bc they're getting all happy and into it
Dweed is one of my fave brotps, so I see this very vividly. Reed on his stomach, swingin his feet in the air and nodding along while eating marshmallows or something as Dwight mumblingly gushes
But falling asleep on top of Evan with Ethan squishing your shoulder after marathoning scifi is just as good.
Hilariously I've written Dweed fic before and it was very puppy love not even beyond a kiss type fic. They're such different personalities but there is this level of
"Protector/Protected" and "Listener to someone who doesn't open up much" vibe to them that makes them unlikely but interesting friends.
They don't have a lot of hobbies in common but they would both step up to the plate for thier friends.
But anyways - back to the main trio: I need Dwight lifting one of the twins up to prove he can bc "I'm not that much shorter, stop saying I'm tiny!"
bc Dwight would not accept being treated like a "tiny cutie" when he is 6'1" jut because the twins are taller
So he tries to pick up Ethan but Evan tickles him and it ends up being a plea for mercy against the twins who pick up a very disgruntled Dwight and promise they won't call him short but they
Make no promises about calling him cute
my girlfriend and I kinda have this issue. We're both quite tiny but I'm like half an inch taller than her so I call her tiny all the time
And Dwight is very cute, I see where they're coming from. can't relate to calling him tiny bc he's almost a foot taller than me
Ah but the twins are the tallest dalton boys- it's like that gif is Misha Collins being all "I'm not short I just work with Giants!" Bc of how damn tall Jared is
Yeah so they have a size difference next to literally everyone
BUT HOW DO YOU THINK THIER FIRST KISS WOULD GO? I would think the twins would ask to kiss him.
artemismoon12: mm I can see it. They're in bed binge watching Netflix
Dwight in the middle as per usual
When all of a sudden "hey Dwight?" Snookums looks slightly up into "would you mind if we kissed you?"
And Dwight is as flustered as flustered can be and he just kinda looks back down and shrugs cause he most definitely does not mind
I love quiet kisses based on tentative emotions, where everyone is just figuring things out and it's all about testing boundaries and where they are shifting
in fiction of course because I'm single af
same but I feel like the Twins would be all about explicit consent
So if when and only if when Dwight is cool with it, does Ethan put a finger under his chin and coaxes him up a bit and does the thing
Yeah, I don't mean like shoving thier hands down his pants and seeing if he's good with it, but more like "oh shit he's okay with us kissing him, this is new! Woah! We didn't do this before"
Hence "testing" not "pushing" - like the twins can be pushy af but they don't mess around when it's two of them and one of another person. They want thier cutie to feel safe, not pressured.
I bow down to the two of you beautiful goddesses